Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Log file open: war_kb_a_tool.txt

  Macros loaded
  Welcome to Chaos Zone! Hit F1 to learn how to play.
P Chaos-Obsrvr-Bo> current freqsize: 1 pilots: 6; in safe: 0; start bty: 75; attach bty: 80; streak min bty: 100; bonuses ON; ranks ON; stats ON; pilots needed for next higher freqsize: 1
  ChaosBot1(75) killed by: WAR
        Chaos-Bot> Player WAR is Dominating! (20:0)
  ChaosBot0(75) killed by: WAR
  ChaosBot4(75) killed by: WAR
        Chaos-Bot> Player WAR is on a killing spree! (22:0)
        Chaos-Bot> Player 'WAR of Patouf' scored a double kill. (150)
T          a tool> GET IN NERDS
  ChaosBot3(75) killed by: WAR
T          a tool> RAPE THAT DUMB TERRIER
  ChaosBot1(70) killed by: WAR
        Chaos-Bot> Player WAR is on a killing spree! (24:0)
  ChaosBot0(70) killed by: WAR
  ChaosBot3(75) killed by: WAR
        Chaos-Bot> Player WAR is on a killing spree! (26:0)
  ChaosBot1(70) killed by: WAR
  ChaosBot0(70) killed by: a tool
  ChaosBot4(70) killed by: WAR
        Chaos-Bot> Player WAR is on a killing spree! (28:0)
  ChaosBot0(70) killed by: WAR
  ChaosBot1(70) killed by: WAR
        Chaos-Bot> Player WAR is UNSTOPPABLE!!! (30:0)
           a tool> chatlen 8
  ChaosBot4(70) killed by: WAR
           a tool> ?chatlines 8
           a tool> ?spec
  ChaosBot4(70) killed by: WAR
        Chaos-Bot> Player WAR is on a killing spree! (32:0)
  ChaosBot0(70) killed by: WAR
  ChaosBot4(70) killed by: WAR
        Chaos-Bot> Player WAR is on a killing spree! (34:0)
  ChaosBot0(70) killed by: WAR
  ChaosBot4(70) killed by: WAR
        Chaos-Bot> Player WAR is on a killing spree! (36:0)
  ChaosBot3(70) killed by: WAR
  ChaosBot1(70) killed by: WAR
        Chaos-Bot> Player WAR is on a killing spree! (38:0)
  ChaosBot2(70) killed by: WAR
  ChaosBot0(70) killed by: WAR
        Chaos-Bot> Player WAR is on a killing spree! (40:0)
         greenery> GO WAR
  ChaosBot1(70) killed by: WAR
           a tool> ?spec
  ChaosBot2(70) killed by: WAR
  ChaosBot3(70) killed by: WAR
        Chaos-Bot> Player WAR is on a killing spree! (42:0)
        Chaos-Bot> Player 'WAR of Patouf' scored a double kill. (140)
  ChaosBot2(70) killed by: WAR
        Chaos-Bot> Player WAR is on a killing spree! (44:0)
  ChaosBot3(70) killed by: WAR
  ChaosBot2(70) killed by: WAR
        Chaos-Bot> Player WAR is on a killing spree! (46:0)
        Chaos-Bot> Player 'WAR of Patouf' scored a double kill. (140)
         greenery> OMG
         greenery> LOW
           a tool> ?spec
  ChaosBot4(70) killed by: WAR
  ChaosBot4(70) killed by: WAR
        Chaos-Bot> Player WAR is on a killing spree! (48:0)
  ChaosBot2(70) killed by: WAR
        Chaos-Bot> Player 'WAR of Patouf' scored a double kill. (140)
  ChaosBot3(70) killed by: WAR
        Chaos-Bot> Player WAR is Slaughtering!!!!!!!!!!! (50:0)
  ChaosBot3(70) killed by: WAR
  ChaosBot1(70) killed by: WAR
  ChaosBot3(70) killed by: WAR
        Chaos-Bot> Player WAR is on a killing spree! (52:0)
        Chaos-Bot> Player 'WAR of Patouf' scored a double kill. (140)
  WAR(1214) killed by: a tool
        Chaos-Bot> Rack up a BIG kill for a tool of Rush who killed WAR of Patouf with 1214 Bounty!!!!!
P       Chaos-Bot> Congratulations, you've earned a Bonus and now have 11!  To find out what you can do with them, do !bonus help
P       Chaos-Bot> Congratulations, you have been promoted to Private!
P       Chaos-Bot> Type !ranks to see what reward your new rank gives you.
        Chaos-Bot> Congratulations a tool. You have been promoted to Private!
           a tool> oops
P Chaos-Obsrvr-Bo> Quit Event: ILLEGAL! Spec secs:16 approx bty:201 ::: Remaining IQEs:4
         greenery> LMAO
T          a tool> ez
           a tool> FEEL BAD
           a tool> ASDFQSDFADS

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