Friday, February 20, 2015


FTNguyen vs Nuke
Starting in 60 seconds...
       traxx> saved
       Blink> nice cheat
  Caerbannog> hah!
  Caerbannog> 1-0 me
    Candyman> nguyens win 
  Caerbannog> For the llamas and all the goodly good folk
     Joe Jr.> nah 
    grapeape> I hope so 
      pseudo> caer in, instant lose 
 Sic Transit> gl
 DZ-4v4-Bot-> Odds to win: FTNguyen (50%), Nuke (50%). Use /!predict 100 (hibachi) or /!predict 200 (Dre) during the first 2 minutes to bet on a team to win. 
    Candyman> village most damage, caer mvp 
          Ra> first kill? 
     hibachi> .allowsub BARBARIAN
     Joe Jr.> I think nuke too strong :/ 
    grapeape> Caer, everyone in spec betting you will choke..don't!
     hibachi> .allowsub DarkDenizen
       Xena.> alias ppl lol 
      pseudo> leg kb sai 
     hibachi> .allowsub Captor
 Solar Hydro> legacy gets first kill 
          Ra> Nacre kb TVB 
 Nude For Sa> leg kb nacre 
   BARBARIAN> !items
 Solar Hydro> hallu lives! 
 the seven y> !roster FTNguyen
       Xena.> .items
    parabola> !items
     Joe Jr.> Why Caer not in lanc
 Solar Hydro> c'mon we need to get it up to 69  
       Xena.> come on tai
 Sic Transit> in bed 
     Joe Jr.> lol 
 Cash Flow K> let dre in so we can end this quickly
      twIsta> .items
     develop> aw off 
     develop> !items
 the seven y> !items
      Legacy> !items
    grapeape> at L11 with 0 energy 
     Joe Jr.> 69 
   BARBARIAN> !items
         Pog> .items
    parabola> leg 0 
    parabola> .items
     Aquitas> .items
   BARBARIAN> !stats
 Nude For Sa> .items
    grapeape> nuke pressing 
 the seven y> !stats
     develop> !items
    grapeape> who won the last game? 
     develop> your mom 
    Candyman> its 1-1 
 Solar Hydro> 1-1 
    grapeape> that was cool dev :P 
     develop> i know mom jokes are still great aren't they 
      twIsta> .items
    grapeape> not really but whatever floats your boat 
     develop> your mom 
 Street Figh> !items
    grapeape> lol 
     Joe Jr.> zing 
     Aquitas> haha 
    parabola> !stats
   BARBARIAN> !items
   BARBARIAN> !stats
    parabola> .items
 Solar Hydro> anyone else with bad lag? 
    parabola> many people 
    grapeape> your mom? 
 the seven y> !items
    parabola> psycho psematic 
   BARBARIAN> !items
     develop> grapeape i have an eigth of grapeape in a jar still 
    parabola> etc 
    grapeape> dev, did I fail on that mom joke? 
     develop> yea 
    grapeape> :( 
     develop> you can't hesitate with a ? at the end 
     develop> you have to be sure of yourself 
    grapeape> oh 
       Xena.> sub cear
 Street Figh> !stats
      twIsta> .items
    grapeape> why xena?
       Xena.> ,items
       Xena.> .items
     develop> !items
         Pog> .items
 Nude For Sa> .items
 the seven y> !items
       Xena.> he is weak
   BARBARIAN> !items
       Xena.> he weakens the team
    Da_Monkk> .items
    parabola> sub Legacy for DD
    grapeape> you of all people calling someone weak..good stuff!
     9-Volt+> Nacre kb saiyan will be first 
       Xena.> nacre 0
       Xena.> lol 
    parabola> !items
     develop> nacre kb enforcer 
    Candyman> enf will get the first kill 
     Joe Jr.> .pracstats satanic
 Street Figh> it will be a teamkill, dunno who though 
    psyanide> legacy kb enf 
     develop> that's not a team kill 
Nacre kb Legacy -- Assist by: The Village Bike
Nacre has 2 lives remaining - [12:17]
Score: 1-0 FTNguyen -- [4v4]
Legacy kb Da_Monkk -- Assist by: Nacre
Legacy has 2 lives remaining - [12:19]
Score: 1-1 TIED -- [4v4]
    parabola> no
    psyanide> everyone was wrong 
 Solar Hydro> I called legacy first kill 
 Nude For Sa> i got it in reverse :( 
    Candyman> no one saw it solar 
     develop> that's what she said 
    grapeape> mom? 
     develop> cliche joke time 
    parabola> .items
       Xena.> .items
 swamp thing> .items
 the seven y> !items
      Legacy> !items
 Nude For Sa> so all that really happened was a items reset of the two ships that were 0 
       Xena.> sub cear
     develop> they weren't completely 0 
     Shaft..> exciting, huh? 
    parabola> .items
     Joe Jr.> .stats
       Xena.> protect krilyu
    Candyman> .stats
     develop> no
     develop> !items
   BARBARIAN> !items
      twIsta> .items
        NINE> !stats
    Candyman> kn doesnt seem him self 
    grapeape> xena stfu, you are the worst team player have no idea about team play
 Sic Transit> \ / 
     Joe Jr.> FIGHT
     Joe Jr.> fight
     Joe Jr.> FIGHT
        bort> like you would know 
    grapeape> trailer park trash
        NINE> LOL
       Xena.> go smoke more weed stfu
   BARBARIAN> !items
    Candyman> you ever watch ppl play or just read the chat? 
 Nude For Sa> play what? 
     develop> wtf ppl are playing? 
 Sic Transit> ur mom 
     develop> im spec'd on a1 
    grapeape> lol 
       Xena.> grape = sath
    parabola> .items
    Candyman> nuke are winning 
     develop> lies 
       Xena.> .items
    grapeape> xena. = SS hooker
     Joe Jr.> predicted 
    parabola> .items
     develop> no 
     Joe Jr.> There's no way FTN can win  
     develop> no 
       Xena.> monkk next to die
     Joe Jr.> no
     Joe Jr.> caer
    Candyman> nacre could blow up 
      Legacy> !items
    Candyman> only chance 
    parabola> .items
     Joe Jr.> If Nacre is playin seriously... he's damn good 
 Cash Flow K> or dre could sub in 
      pseudo> caer forward arrow, 30 secs rep 
     hibachi> .fullsub Caerbannog
    Candyman> or dre could sub in 
    grapeape> joe, nacre IS good ?? duh 
Caerbannog has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1]
    parabola> !stats
    Candyman> dre for caer
   BARBARIAN> !sub 200:3
BARBARIAN in for Caerbannog [Full Sub] [Time: 00:07] [3 lives]
      pseudo> .stats
        NINE> it's your time to shine ahmedbarian
    grapeape> lol
    Candyman> good sub 
     Joe Jr.> grape, Nacre can also playin like a moron and choke 
    parabola> nice fake by KN 
    parabola> !items
    grapeape> he only chokes when he doesn't give a chit 
       Xena.> .items
     Joe Jr.> Barbarian is overrated  
    parabola> yes 
    grapeape> ^ 
 Solar Hydro> I agree, next death = BARB 
    Candyman> he'll push more than caer did though 
    parabola> DD underated 
      Legacy> !items
      Arctos> anyone can hop in a spider and be useful 
   BARBARIAN> !items
      Arctos> thats the whole point of the ship 
 the seven y> !items
       Nacre> ft
 Seriel Kill> hi 
 Nude For Sa> .items
     develop> that thor pbd 
     develop> weird 
       Xena.> get monkk
    parabola> cheats 
    grapeape> on who? missed it 
 the seven y> !stats
     develop> dunno 
     develop> that's why it was weird 
 Something D> prox bug fixed for thors? 
    parabola> !stats
      pseudo> .items
       Xena.> .stats
    grapeape> .stats
    grapeape> what a surprise,sai with the most damage 
    grapeape> as usual 
     Joe Jr.> Dude is a beast 
    grapeape> they are destroying FTN on damage both ways 
 the seven y> !items
     Joe Jr.> Like I said, FTN doesnt have a chance 
         Mog> !score
         Mog> oh i showed up on time 
    grapeape> they are the comback kings, aren;t they? 
      twIsta> .items
 Nude For Sa> .items
 Sic Transit> in bed 
    parabola> dd should have subbed in 
     develop> 7th should have been here to sub in 
    treachen> DRE DAY
     develop> this is a fluke game 
 The Village> !items
   BARBARIAN> !items
    parabola> !items
 Psycho Psem> how so 
    parabola> !stats
    grapeape> monkk, nacre, sai..fluke game?  not! 
     Joe Jr.> FTN getting pushed all over 
         Mog> dev isn't in, all games are fluke if dev isn't in 
       Nacre> haha
 The Village> !items
    grapeape> all 3 are rock solid! for your mom 
 Something D> :)
     develop> i already missed my chance 
     develop> again 
         Mog> lol wtf 
         Mog> they left him 
     develop> !items
 the seven y> !items
 Psycho Psem> yeah i saw that 
 Psycho Psem> it happens 
    parabola> !items
    grapeape> leave your team next time
         Mog> why are they backing up? 
    parabola> .items
      Legacy> !items
   BARBARIAN> !items
     develop> dre in ftw
 the seven y> Dre gonna sub in 
      pseudo> nacre is legend 
 Psycho Psem> i wouldnt play with pubchat on if i was them, so i doubt pub gets to any of em anyway 
 The Village> !items
Da_Monkk kb KinGNewbiE
Da_Monkk has 2 lives remaining - [25:44]
Score: 2-1 FTNguyen -- [4v4]
        NINE> lol
 Cash Flow K> woot 
     Joe Jr.> omg 
    Da_Monkk> .sc 5
Da_Monkk changes ships.
     Joe Jr.> TERRIOR
       Xena.> i called it
 the seven y> !items
     Joe Jr.> TERRIER
          Ra> here comes the pain train 
    parabola> .items
      pseudo> .items
   BARBARIAN> !items
    Jamuraan> viet > viet
     Joe Jr.> LOL 
         Mog> Terrior 
 Cash Flow K> final score 3-2 
 Psycho Psem> yeah i was going to say, doesnt matter if ftn getting pushed all over 
    grapeape> er
       Xena.> .items
 Psycho Psem> not really... it was 1-1 with reps close 
     Joe Jr.> I spazzed
   BARBARIAN> !items
 luc the des> is this a playoff game 
 Psycho Psem> is this real life? 
 Cash Flow K> lol 
 Cash Flow K> no this is just a friendly prac 
     develop> we are just dreaming still 
    Candyman> .items
    grapeape> this is for the presidency 
         Mog> i started watching the game and nuke is literally throwing it 
         Dre> .stats
        NINE> it is the last game of pro finals 
 Sic Transit> almsot 80 ppl here 
 Street Figh> barb huge
     9-Volt+> month 7 of professional subspace league 
          Ra> i wish i wouldnt dream of dev 
     develop> why not 
 luc the des> all these different answers I think they're all correct 
    Da_Monkk> .items
         Mog> 9 volt it's intense right? 
 swamp thing> .items
         Mog> lol nac 
The Village Bike kb Da_Monkk -- Assist by: Enforcer
The Village Bike has 2 lives remaining - [27:16]
Score: 2-2 TIED -- [4v4]
     Joe Jr.> Nacre 
 Nude For Sa> nacre lol 
     Joe Jr.> omg
    grapeape> monkk
Nacre kb KinGNewbiE
Nacre has 1 life remaining - [27:20]
Score: 3-2 FTNguyen -- [4v4]
         Mog> oh my god 
    parabola> LOL
    grapeape> HUGE
    parabola> YES
         Mog> roflmao 
       Nacre> .sc 6
Nacre changes ships.
 Something D> huge 
 Psycho Psem> da monkk fokkusing 
     Joe Jr.> nacre
    treachen> DRE IN
     Joe Jr.> WAKE UP
     Joe Jr.> and win
    Candyman> kn winding up 
       Xena.> nacre ftl
 Seriel Kill> Legacy is a bit useless :/ 
    grapeape> kn needs to sub out and let Partsi in 
     Joe Jr.> I am afraid Nacre going to choke this :( 
 Psycho Psem> so obvious kn has huge res, or he is just a psychic dodger hehe 
          Ra> should switch aw to saiyan 
       Xena.> .items
 the seven y> !items
 Psycho Psem> no doubt, Ra 
 The Village> !items
       Xena.> get enf
 Psycho Psem> monkk got it 
   BARBARIAN> !items
         Mog> saved 
     develop> !items
    parabola> .items
    Candyman> strong teamwork 
    grapeape> monkk running x and aw and still feels nothing most of the time 
 Psycho Psem> red ship has mad armor dood 
         Mog> doesn't terrier get x free? 
 Street Figh> !items
     Joe Jr.> yes 
    grapeape> so does his connection 
        NINE> used to, not sure now 
          Ra> oh wow 
    psyanide> holy shit 
Da_Monkk kb KinGNewbiE -- Assist by: Legacy
Da_Monkk has 1 life remaining - [29:16]
Score: 4-2 FTNguyen -- [4v4]
     Joe Jr.> NACRE
 luc the des> thought lanc was x 
        NINE> CYA 
    Da_Monkk> wow
    parabola> YES
     develop> huge 
 Psycho Psem> ohhh 
         Mog> oh lol 
    Da_Monkk> WOW
 Seriel Kill> nice mine! 
     Joe Jr.> omg 
    psyanide> hahaha 
  Caerbannog> TAKE THAT
     Joe Jr.> wtf 
 Cash Flow K> da bad
    parabola> FTN
     Joe Jr.> Nuke choking 
 Psycho Psem> skilled mine 
    parabola> WIN
         Mog> 2 reps 
 The Village> !items
     Joe Jr.> CHOKE 
 Psycho Psem> no sarcasm 
       Xena.> omg so hot
    grapeape> you called it Joe 
  Caerbannog> !items
 Psycho Psem> it was a good kill as much as anything 
    Candyman> .stats
 the seven y> !items
5 Minutes until all new subs are burned.
 The Village> !items
    grapeape> uh oh
      twIsta> .item
 Psycho Psem> we want Dre 
    grapeape> Dre coming on soon
    parabola> lol
         Mog> fuck dre 
 Psycho Psem> i wish caer would make the bot sub dre in 
 Psycho Psem> just to spice things up 
    parabola> .items
 Street Figh> KN too good after not showing for 6 months 
 the seven y> !
 Cash Flow K> wow
         Mog> this game isn't over anyways 
   BARBARIAN> !items
        NINE> all he does is run in pro 
       Xena.> sub dre in
 Psycho Psem> no way is it over  
    parabola> leg lol
         Mog> llook 
    parabola> .items
    parabola> !items
 Psycho Psem> nuke too good at offense to call a 2 kill game "over" 
        NINE> LEG 
        NINE> GOING IN 
Legacy kb Enforcer
Legacy has 1 life remaining - [30:58]
Score: 4-3 FTNguyen -- [4v4]
 Seriel Kill> GO LEG 
        NINE> rolf 
 luc the des> rofl 
     Joe Jr.> ha 
     develop> haha 
 Seriel Kill> bah 
    grapeape> lol
        NINE> so stupid 
 Solar Hydro> aah 
         Mog> roflmao 
    parabola> damnit leg
 the seven y> !items
   BARBARIAN> !items
 swamp thing> .items
      Legacy> !sc 1
Legacy changes ships.
    Candyman> ppl call game over, legacy answers 
         Mog> that was fine by leg actually he was dead 
        NINE> ? krilyu repped for him 
         Mog> forced a rep 
 luc the des> someone should try and rep into a minestack 
        NINE> he could have easily escaped 
          Ra> yea odds are he was dead in that corner anyway 
     develop> !items
    grapeape> NINE that was before he got repped 
          Ra> if they had rocketed him 
 Psycho Psem> at least he FR 
     Joe Jr.> LEG IN WB FTW
         Mog> monkk lost rocket and a rep for that 
       Xena.> .items
  Caerbannog> i've never seen legacy win a game in a wb
        NINE> !items
  Caerbannog> congrats nuke
 Seriel Kill> ^
     Joe Jr.> .stats
         Mog> what 
 the seven y> !items
  Caerbannog> so lucky!
        NINE> nacre dumped on
    parabola> !items
     Aquitas> nacre 0 
     9-Volt+> nacre over firing 
    Da_Monkk> .items
        NINE> ahmed going for it
 Street Figh> hahaha barb
       Nacre> that wa sa huge tank
     develop> dreday sub
         Mog> that dude should've died 
     develop> !items
       Xena.> nacre chke
      Legacy> !items
 Psycho Psem> who did he drill 
    grapeape> FTN might go into a deep depression if Nuke wins 
       Xena.> choke
Nacre has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1]
       Xena.> 0-3
     Joe Jr.> omg
        NINE> O GOD NO
         Mog> village bike 
       Xena.> gogo nake
    Candyman> dre in? 
Dre in for Nacre [Full Sub] [Time: 00:06] [1 life]
  Caerbannog> DRE DAY
 Psycho Psem> asian ppl dont get depressed stupid 
    treachen> DRE DAY
     Joe Jr.> DRE
    parabola> :LOL
  Caerbannog> YES
 luc the des> YES 
    Jamuraan> lol
     Joe Jr.> LOLOL
         Mog> oh god 
 the seven y> LOL
    parabola> LOL
     Joe Jr.> LOL
    treachen> RE DAY
    parabola> YES
     Aquitas> HAHAH 
 Cash Flow K> LOL!
 Psycho Psem> YES 
 Cash Flow K> mAY DAY
         Mog> season over 
     Joe Jr.> rofl 
 Cash Flow K> MAY DAY
     Joe Jr.> hhahahahaha 
 Street Figh> LOL
 luc the des> 2-0 + game winning kill in OT 
 luc the des> calling it  
 Psycho Psem> and Dre gives the crowd what they want !! 
 Street Figh> aahhahahahahaha 
 Psycho Psem> kudos 
         Mog> i can't believe a 9 month league came to an end with dre subbing in 
 Cash Flow K> dre=arod
 Sic Transit> caer kb dre 
     Aquitas> dre has been waiting his whole life for this moment 
 Cash Flow K> yea 
    grapeape> Dre to play like xena at N13
     Joe Jr.> DRE'S FIRST BOMB
 Seriel Kill> lol aquitas 
 Street Figh> blink and swamp in spec but dre subs in 
Enforcer kb The Village Bike -- Assist by: Legacy
Enforcer has 2 lives remaining - [33:40]
Score: 5-3 FTNguyen -- [4v4]
 Sic Transit> hje will kill bencherz 
     Joe Jr.> A MISS
    parabola> YEDs
       Xena.> yes
KinGNewbiE kb saiyan -- Assist by: Da_Monkk
KinGNewbiE has 2 lives remaining - [33:44]
Score: 5-4 FTNguyen -- [4v4]
     Joe Jr.> second bomb
  Caerbannog> you are very dead sir
     Joe Jr.> A MISS
    Enforcer> .sc 5'
    Enforcer> .sc 5
 swamp thing> .items
 Street Figh> !items
1 Minute until all new subs are burned.
         Mog> i must admit, my underwear will need a changeout after that sub 
 Nude For Sa> lol 
       Xena.> .items
 The Village> !items
     Joe Jr.> .STATS
     Joe Jr.> .stats
    Candyman> dre next 2 kills, mvp for life 
         Mog> did blink even play? 
     develop> you could always sub in dre for your underwear 
         Mog> !stats
    parabola> !items
         Mog> lol dre over blink 
    parabola> !stats
        bort> this will make nuke have to go backwards 
 Cash Flow K> if dre got a kill you wont stop hearing about this for the next 5 years 
     Joe Jr.> Grifter is their best player on their bench 
        NINE> sure i will 
 Psycho Psem> saiyan> Dre you are -1026 in weasal 
        NINE> when i stop playing the spacecrafts 
All new subs from now on are burned.
 Psycho Psem> saiyan> i cant even begin to describe how bad that is 
         Mog> sorry, they subbed the worst player int heir whole bench 
 The Village> !items
     Joe Jr.> agreed 
 Street Figh> !stats
     Joe Jr.> .stats
 Psycho Psem> he knows we are all speccing ... 100 % 
 Street Figh> lol dre huge dmg
     Joe Jr.> lol 
     Joe Jr.> no pressure 
         Mog> if they win now it will be funny tho 
      twIsta> .stats
 Street Figh> look at dre's dmg 
 Cash Flow K> dre 624 dmg
 Nude For Sa> crowd sub 
 Cash Flow K> lol
 Cash Flow K> lolol
    psyanide> .stats
    Candyman> .stats
 the seven y> !stats
    parabola> !stats
 Psycho Psem> wow 
 luc the des> that damage ratio 
    grapeape> .stats
     Aquitas> dr has done 624 dmg 
     Joe Jr.> look at his bomb and gun acc 
  Caerbannog> stahp, you'll break it
    psyanide> he's hit half a bomb 
    Candyman> someone screenshot that 
 Psycho Psem> dre did this for you speccer's 
    grapeape> lol
 Cash Flow K> dre hiding offscreen
 Psycho Psem> you unappreciative fucks 
     Joe Jr.> 624 dmg in 2:30 
     develop> dre is a real showman 
       Xena.> .stats
     develop> i give him that 
     Joe Jr.> hah 
     9-Volt+> Dre 8% DmgE 
     Aquitas> its dre day 
     9-Volt+> lol 
      pseudo> Dre 8% damage efficiency
     develop> !items
    parabola> YES
 Cash Flow K> mponkk ll and dre scared... enf or sai will die out 
       Xena.> .items
        bort> 8% ?! 
  Caerbannog> in Dre's previous game it would've taken 9.8 dres to kill a player recharging at a constant rate of 1150 per 10 seconds
        NINE> LOL
    grapeape> lol
 Street Figh> lol
     Joe Jr.> .stats
  Caerbannog> maybe he can get below that
      twIsta> .items
 luc the des> can't argue with the math
      Legacy> !items
       Xena.> .items
       Xena.> enf 0
 Street Figh> why would u spec dre? he just stays behind 
 Street Figh> and 
     Joe Jr.> Sucks that Dre is on Nuke though, I've predicted them to win. 
 Street Figh> never hits anything 
     Joe Jr.> and now that Dre is in, I really want them to lose ;( 
 Psycho Psem> we are going to spam the bot out if we keep hitting .stats guys 
 Nude For Sa> because he's dre 
        NINE> he hit krilyu 
     develop> dre almost got bike 
         Mog> wow nobody didd 
 Street Figh> !items
  Caerbannog> .items
 the seven y> !stats
       Nacre> .items
    grapeape> .stats
       Xena.> dre ll go go die
         Pog> .items
    Candyman> .items
     9-Volt+> this is weird, no tks yet... 
       Nacre> .items
     develop> !items
         Mog> just cause you said that 
 the seven y> !items
       traxx> .items
     9-Volt+> they are waiting for OT 
 luc the des> no fr credit for dre there 
Dre kb The Village Bike -- Assist by: KinGNewbiE
Dre is OUT! - [39:14]
Score: 6-4 FTNguyen -- [4v3]
    grapeape> Dre, please hurry and TK one of your teammates..we are all waiting
     9-Volt+> OT TK win 
        NINE> LOL 
    parabola> LOL
 luc the des> ROFL
      twIsta> OMG
    parabola> LOL
    psyanide> hahahaha 
 Cash Flow K> LOL!
    treachen> :LOL
 Cash Flow K> LOL!
      pseudo> HAHAAHAHAAH
     Joe Jr.> lol
 Cash Flow K> LOL!
 the seven y> LOL
 Cash Flow K> LOL!
    parabola> LOL
     develop> lol 
     Aquitas> HAHAHHAHHA 
     Joe Jr.> LOLO
 Street Figh> HAHAHAHAHA
      Captor> hahahaha
     Joe Jr.> LOLO
    treachen> DRE DAY
    Candyman> lol 
     Joe Jr.> LOLO
     Aquitas> AHAHAHAHAHHA 
     9-Volt+> sacked 
    parabola> DRE FOLKS
         Mog> oh no
     Joe Jr.> ROFL
  Caerbannog> he exploded :(
     Joe Jr.> HAHAHAH 
 Psycho Psem> and the crowwwd goessss willllld 
 Nude For Sa> chat screen scrolling WAY too fast
         Mog> good season
 Sic Transit> WORDS 
 luc the des> 6-5 not OT right 
       Xena.> dre 1st out rofl
 Cash Flow K> lol
 Street Figh> lol
 Psycho Psem> 3;red 
          Ra> no luc 
 Street Figh> nope 
         Mog> glad we waited 9 months for this
 Cash Flow K> how did i know dre would choke
   BARBARIAN> !items
  Caerbannog> dre only one out?!
        bort> ended nukes season by playing himself instead of 4 other people way better 
     Joe Jr.> Dre to commit suicide
    Candyman> thats unreal. did someone script this final? 
     Aquitas> HAHAHAHAHAH 
      twIsta> lol 
 Psycho Psem> i told you fuckers to be appreciative 
 Street Figh> now this season makes sense actually 
NOTICE: 5 minutes remaining.
       Xena.> dre uninstall game
 Street Figh> worth it 
       traxx> .stats
     Joe Jr.> Should have subbed Grifter 
     Joe Jr.> Grifter plays safe. 
        bort> or swamp or ME 
        bort> or partsi 
Enforcer has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1]
Blink in for Enforcer [Burned] [Time: 00:02] [2 lives]
     develop> blink in
     develop> yes
    grapeape> yes
     develop> huge sub
   BARBARIAN> ahahah
         Mog> lol now blink goes in 
    psyanide> everyone pay attn to the news tomorrow. watch out for a young texas bride stangled with a kb cable
 Psycho Psem> grifter doesnt play enough 
      Legacy> !items
 Cash Flow K> why did dre sub in earlier
   BARBARIAN> whatl uck
    grapeape> blink is huge
 Cash Flow K> dubest move ever
 Psycho Psem> neither does blink 
         Mog> so dumb 
       Xena.> .items
 luc the des> enf berating dre in spec 
     Joe Jr.> Grifter is way better than Dre. 
     Joe Jr.> Are you kidding.. 
       Xena.> get monkk
       Xena.> ll
    grapeape> xena, get a boyfriend ll
       Xena.> 3 min dont die
   BARBARIAN> oops
    parabola> !stats
       Xena.> i have a bf
    grapeape> no
    grapeape> HG does not count
     9-Volt+> lol sai shooting to 0 
 Seriel Kill> ya 
 Psycho Psem> why not 
 Seriel Kill> awesome aim though 
 luc the des> might as well 
   BARBARIAN> !items
     Joe Jr.> That's classic though all the people Dre kicks from pracs because "they're trash" 
     Joe Jr.> "you're horrible" 
     Joe Jr.> lol he choked in what? 5 minutes? 
        NINE> MAGIC
         Mog> nice move monk 
       Xena.> monkk 0
 Psycho Psem> he did this for you 
 Street Figh> !stats
 Psycho Psem> just like jesus sacrificed his life 
    Candyman> not over yet 
 Solar Hydro> monkk hit how many times? 
    hedcase8> .stats
 Psycho Psem> he was crucified on a cross of luls 
     develop> i thought jesus died because he got caught by the romans 
         Mog> !score
  Caerbannog> who wants to bet legacy still dies out
   BARBARIAN> ashahahah
   BARBARIAN> aahah
  Caerbannog> I'll give you 3:1
 Psycho Psem> for your sake 
The Village Bike kb Da_Monkk -- Assist by: saiyan
The Village Bike has 1 life remaining - [42:42]
Score: 6-5 FTNguyen -- [4v3]
 Nude For Sa> the book of dre? 
        NINE> ROFL
     hibachi> haha
     Mr. Hat> wat
 luc the des> oh man
         Mog> oh ow 
    Candyman> see 
KinGNewbiE kb Blink -- Assist by: saiyan
KinGNewbiE has 1 life remaining - [42:47]
Score: 6-6 TIED -- [4v3]
         Mog> w/
     develop> i never asked for a jew to save me 
    treachen> LOL
 luc the des> YES
      Captor> !!!
 Sic Transit> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    hedcase8> excellent rep 
       Nacre> lol
    Candyman> told you :p 
       Xena.> monkk
     9-Volt+> oh man 
    Da_Monkk> .items
   BARBARIAN> !items
     Aquitas> .TIME
         Mog> candy yeah but it's over :) 
       danks> dre did nuke a favor
      twIsta> .items
    parabola> .items
    Candyman> is it? 
         Mog> the moment dre subbed in it was over 
 Psycho Psem> looked like bike went in to help KN and ended up getting killed? 
       Xena.> .items
saiyan kb Legacy
saiyan has 2 lives remaining - [43:29]
Score: 7-6 FTNguyen -- [4v3]
     Aquitas> .time
      saiyan> .sc 6
saiyan changes ships.
       Nacre> barb so lucky you didn't just die there
       Nacre> lol
    Candyman> barb almost kileld him self, so closew 
         Mog> monk 0/0 ll 
      Makron> .time
         Pog> .items
        NINE> get monkk
  Caerbannog> inb4 rocket on legacy
        NINE> omg
Blink kb Legacy
Blink has 1 life remaining - [43:45]
Score: 8-6 FTNguyen -- [4v3]
 luc the des> bleh 
    parabola> LEGACY
      Captor> .stats
 Seriel Kill> gg 
The Village Bike kb Da_Monkk
The Village Bike is OUT! - [43:55]
Score: 8-7 FTNguyen -- [3v3]
Da_Monkk kb The Village Bike -- Assist by: KinGNewbiE
Da_Monkk is OUT! - [43:55]
Score: 9-7 FTNguyen -- [4v2]
        NINE> ROLF
    parabola> LOl
         Mog> lol 
      twIsta> haha
    psyanide> haha 
     Aquitas> .time
NOTICE: 1 minute remaining.
 Psycho Psem> weird 
     9-Volt+> no TK 
        NINE> she's a brick
        NINE> house
     Aquitas> .time
    Candyman> barb dies 
         Mog> omg 
     develop> haha 
 Solar Hydro> she's mighty might
     Aquitas> 30 seconds left
   BARBARIAN> !items
 Solar Hydro> lettin' it all hang out
BARBARIAN kb saiyan
BARBARIAN has 2 lives remaining - [44:36]
Score: 9-8 FTNguyen -- [3v2]
         Mog> omfg 
     develop> haha
        NINE> LOL
 Nude For Sa> barb  
    treachen> lol
 the seven y> LOL
     develop> haha
    Da_Monkk> lol
     Aquitas> .time
         Mog> hahahaha 
 luc the des> yes
     develop> haha
    Candyman> told you :p 
 Cash Flow K> nice flying babrb
     Aquitas> 20 SECONDS
 Seriel Kill> 1 more 
    Jamuraan> still OT? 
   BARBARIAN> !items
     9-Volt+> no 
 luc the des> no 
      Arctos> .time
         Mog> this is the dumbest league final game ever 
     Aquitas> .time
         Mog> entertaining though 
    grapeape> regardless if Nuke loses, got to hand it to them! But, subbing Dre was confusing!
     hibachi> hahaha
       Three> !Stats
Blink kb Legacy
Blink is OUT! - [44:57]
Score: 10-8 FTNguyen -- [3v1]
    Da_Monkk> haha
 luc the des> lol
Final Score: 10-8 FTNguyen wins -- Game Time: 44:59
| F 200: Nuke      Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG |    W-L   |   Ki/De  |  Rat TRat ERat |
| Enforcer          1/ 1  0  1  1  1  5  0   0  2 39:27 |  52765/ 62242  45% |  31  10 |   12-5   |   20/14  |   +8  599 1331 |
|  Blink            1/ 2  0  0  0  0  0  2   0  0  4:30 |  10302/  9070  53% |  54  14 |    9-7   |   20/27  |    0  536 1467 |
| Nacre             0/ 2  0  1  0  1  6  0   0  0 32:17 |  39943/ 39604  50% |  31  14 |   15-6   |   49/21  |   -2  724 1723 |
|  Dre              0/ 1  0  0  0  0  0  1   3  0  5:58 |   5664/ 12286  31% |  32   2 |   11-7   |    9/10  |  -17  501 1467 |
| saiyan            2/ 1  0  0  1  2  1  0   0  0 44:02 |  80452/ 51755  60% |  39  10 |   17-8   |   63/34  |   +9  726 1813 |
| Da_Monkk          4/ 3  0  0  1  1  6  2   2  0 42:58 |  60018/ 47464  55% |  23  15 |   10-8   |   28/22  |  +19  623 1821 |
| TOTAL:            8/10  0  2  3  5 18  5   5  2       | 249144/222421      |  32  12 |   74-41  |  189/128 |   +2  618 1602 |
| F 100: FTNguyen  Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG |    W-L   |   Ki/De  |  Rat TRat ERat |
| KinGNewbiE        3/ 2  0  0  2  2  4  0   1  0 44:02 |  57312/ 67538  45% |  34  15 |    9-2   |   19/16  |  +16  538 2050 |
| Legacy            4/ 2  0  0  3  2  4  0   0  6 44:02 |  50454/ 58633  46% |  27  13 |   22-3   |   64/25  |   +7  763 1803 |
| The Village Bik   3/ 3  0  0  0  1  5  2   2  0 42:58 |  64785/ 75845  46% |  34  13 |   14-4   |   44/23  |   -1  672 2026 |
| Caerbannog        0/ 0  0  1  0  0  1  0   0  0 18:02 |  16228/ 21334  43% |  16   5 |   20-3   |   45/8   |    0  716 1860 |
|  BARBARIAN        0/ 1  0  0  0  0  2  0   0  2 25:53 |  27579/ 38162  41% |  26  10 |   13-6   |   30/29  |   -1  599 1496 |
| TOTAL:           10/ 8  0  1  5  5 16  2   3  8       | 216358/261512      |  29  12 |   78-18  |  202/101 |   +4  657 1847 |
Stats for this game can be viewed at:
MVP: Da_Monkk (+19)      -- Runner Up: KinGNewbiE (+16)
LVP: Dre (-17)      -- Runner Up: Nacre (-2)
      Captor> hahah
        NINE> alright
    parabola> LOL
     9-Volt+> lame 
  KinGNewbiE> yes
     hibachi> GG
       Blink> how did you have 5 rockets
 Cash Flow K> ddddddddre day
    parabola> BEST PRO FINA:LS EVER
 DarkDenizen> gg nuke
    treachen> dre mvp
    Da_Monkk> gg
 Cash Flow K> GG DRE
         Mog> gg
 Seriel Kill> gg
     Aquitas> Which one of you Brave skilled pilots chooses to take the command role of managing Anti-Warp for the saftey of the team? 
 Something D> gg
    Candyman> dre huge
       Xena.> dre day over
 Cash Flow K> NUKE - DRE = Great
     Aquitas> oops 
    parabola> ALL THE EGO FAILED
       Xena.> lol
    parabola> ALL THE EGO FAILED
 Psycho Psem> was a GG 
 Cash Flow K> DRE DAY
 Street Figh> dre, u are the best 
         Mog> not really, sloppy and dumb 
 Psycho Psem> thats a GG to watch 

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