High Gain> This crazy person that I had never met before DRIVES to my house with her kid and her entire load of possessions in her car, homeless, and visits with me in person for approximately 3 hours.
High Gain> They chain me like an animal, throw me in a squadcar, and bring to a hospital ER where I am held for EIGHTEEN HOURS OVERNIGHT in a hallway, in chains, with a cop guarding me the whole time.
High Gain> I kick her out, she's angry because I don't want her, and she FILES A MENTAL HEALTH PETITION on me. In our State, the system is horribly broken, all it takes is the petition's WORD to have someone brought in.
OLYMPUS> i think my mom had that once
OLYMPUS> or twice
Xena!> an infection in my lungs from being in his dirty house
Xena!> but i have a very poor immune system from losing my spleen
Xena!> his house is so disgusting that it got me and my daughter sick
Cash Flow > omg
Cash Flow > hg is a slob?
Cash Flow > did you visit or stay there a long time?
OLYMPUS> did you guys have sex xena
Curtis Lee> someone plz say harry potter in an english accent
OLYMPUS> im pretty sad that the franchise has come to an end
Es Cape> thats east indian
OLYMPUS> i enjoyed it
Xena!> what do i care what ur threats are hg... ur just an online person
Curtis Lee> sup penguin potter
High Gain> Go ahead, tempt fate. I've been wanting to do it. Give me an excuse you miserable whale.
Xena!> he pmed me something about a sanction
High Gain> It's already drafted.
Xena!> whatever
Xena!> ok whale
Xena!> i moved\
Xena!> who cares
Xena!> get ur daddy to do it for u
High Gain> Oh we attorneys have our ways :)
Xena!> im in a video game.. im not saying ur name in here
Curtis Lee> so you two don't love each other anymore?
OLYMPUS> im getting my passport next month
Xena!> do it
Xena!> I DARE U
Curtis Lee> you gonna come visit me olympus from cuba?
OLYMPUS> im in vancouver
OLYMPUS> going to seatle
Curtis Lee> aren't you dark skinned for being from vancouver?
Pryde> I got one of those new 10 year passports from my canada.
OLYMPUS> olive skinned
Pryde> Oh damn I live in seattle.
Curtis Lee> hahaha
OLYMPUS> are they legit pryde
High Gain> Glad to know you were cataloguing everything I said, that really confirms my opinion of you ;)
OLYMPUS> im getting one too
OLYMPUS> im getting that new drivers licence too that has a chip in it
High Gain> But I really don't care what you have, none of it is anymore than hearsay.
OLYMPUS> so the illumanti can keep tabs on me
High Gain> Tossed in an INSTANT, retard.
Curtis Lee> I have an Army ID with the chip on it
Xena!> SINCE 2010
Xena!> if that is so is this
High Gain> You bait someone like ME and then threaten me with THAT?
Xena!> i have no threatened u
Curtis Lee> round 2
Xena!> not
Xena!> never did
Curtis Lee> damn jocker
Curtis Lee> rofl
Xena!> i just said u stink like ass and u got me sick
Xena!> which is true
Solartonix> lol
saiyan> sola
saiyan> did u see that
Solartonix> yeah
Curtis Lee> omg
Curtis Lee> omg
Xena!> i have medical proof u got me sick
Cash Flow > wow this is getting heated
High Gain> bitter grapes. you're simply pissed off because I wanted nothing to do with you after meeting you in person.
Xena!> do threaten me all day i dont care
Curtis Lee> shhhhhh let this go on
High Gain> everything you did from that moment forward was motivated by revenge of a woman scorned, pure and simple.
High Gain> Just admit that.
Xena!> thats untrue and i have many witnesses
Xena!> who cares
Xena!> i dont care about u anymore
OLYMPUS> theyre going to sue eachother
Mog> HG hi
High Gain> Now you're ignored again, and when I find you, expect prompt service.
Legacy> damn
High Gain> ignored.
Legacy> biomb key stickimng
Cash Flow > lol
Cash Flow > hg threatening to sue?
Xena!> have fun rotting in ur parents basement rotting in ur own excrements
Cash Flow > seriously?
High Gain> No, it's a promise now.
a pez addi> wut
Xena!> smoking 4 packs of cigarettes
saiyan> did i spike
Cash Flow > lol
a pez addi> abit
Cash Flow > sue for what
Xena!> and killing urself doped up on benzos oxy and suboxone
a pez addi> wtf
saiyan> .return
High Gain> several different versions of abusing the civil system
OLYMPUS> i love benzos
Mog> HG you met Xena! in person?
r> lol
Xena!> he is angry i thought he was gonna die and i had plenty of reason to think so
Cash Flow > LOL
highrate> whats the case
Xena!> when they drug tested him they found tons of drugs in his system that all dont belong together
High Gain> she was in my house 8 hours, I spent approximately 3 with her before I went and hid downstairs because I didn't want to be near her.
r> l8lhi
Xena!> 12 hours
OLYMPUS> what is suboxone
Mog> LOL
Xena!> he lies constantly
Xena!> is an opiate
Curtis Lee> suboxone is like come-off drug
Xena!> but not to be used with oxy
r> i saw xenas picture
Curtis Lee> kinda like methadone but non-narcotic
Mog> oh man this is good!
OLYMPUS> oxy is more powerful than perqs?
Cash Flow > who meets people on a spaceship game
High Gain> oh no, it's a narcotic curt
Xena!> curt its considered a narcotic
The Villag> too laggy
Mog> so xena is actually a woman?
Da Monkk> leg 0/0
Mog> wrong freq monk
Da Monkk> oh
Cash Flow > lol
Mog> silly asian
OLYMPUS> xena is in fact a woman, Mog
highrate> high gain is suing?
Curtis Lee> speaking of asian, is the honda prelude not cool anymore?
Pryde> Monkk gave spec chat vital information about you legacy.
Curtis Lee> I bet Jae still drives a Honda Prelude
Cash Flow > why would someoen threaten to sue over onoline conversation in a game
Mog> well I was convinced that xena is a fat guy, like that warcraft playing wizard from the southpark episode
Pryde> dang thats a fly ride.
OLYMPUS> no xena got sick
OLYMPUS> in his house
OLYMPUS> i think and wants to sue
highrate> i want to know what the case is
Curtis Lee> CFK, Secede threatened to sue Aquitas rofl
Cash Flow > secede is drunk 95% of time
Cash Flow > so i discount anything he says
Cash Flow > like sath
Curtis Lee> so am I.. like I am right now
Es Cape> xena hook up with axe demento
Cash Flow > lol
High Gain> I actually have a good reason.
Cash Flow > LOL
Mog> battlecity tom threatened to put my head through a concrete wall.
Mog> beat that
Curtis Lee> wow that guy is ollldddd
High Gain> You guys don't know everything that happened, and it's a long enough story that I don't really feel like typing it out.
Cash Flow > i was once threatned by OLYMPUS who said "im going to kill you"
Cash Flow > i filed a civil complaint
Pryde> lol
Cash Flow > and sued for emotional distress
OLYMPUS> true story
High Gain> Curt, tell them I have a good reason
Cash Flow > after the discovery process, i learned he meant in the game
Mog> something tells me that if i saw xena irl I'd be emotionally distressed too.
Cash Flow > therefore i dropped my suit
Xena!> he cant type it out cause he is too high to construct the story
OLYMPUS> no i meant irl
OLYMPUS> i wanted to kill you irl
Cash Flow > and we settled out of court
Pryde> I threatened to jerk myself off in public. Now i'm a registered sex offender.
Mog> pryde that's epic
Curtis Lee> HG has every right to be super pissed, I won't lie or exaggerate that statement
Jae> 3 sharps
Es Cape> spitfires old face stab comments still teh best tho
Pryde> :)
Cash Flow > ?
Cash Flow > what curtis
High Gain> goddamit right
Xena!> i didnt lie ever
Mog> but why would you hide in the basement?
Xena!> i have never lied
Xena!> but he has lied to me
Xena!> and all of his friends
OLYMPUS> about what
OLYMPUS> what did he lie ab out
Xena!> he lied about being a junkie
Mog> and not just kick her out
High Gain> she lied about her age, her past, even her NAME is uncertain to THIS VERY DAY.
Cash Flow > how did that make you feel
Xena!> he would lie everyday nearly to give an excuse for why he would be doped up in bed for 3 days at a time sleeping
Xena!> i NEVER lied about my age
Mog> this is epic on so many levels!
Xena!> guys
Xena!> how many times have i said im 37 in here
Xena!> im born june 23rd 1976
Cash Flow > they are on mutual destruct mode
Mog> wow wow
Xena!> hg is born sept 19th 1978
Curtis Lee> whats your social security number
Xena!> why would i tell u that
Curtis Lee> so I can stalk you
Cash Flow > HG are you employed
Xena!> i never lied
Xena!> i dont lie
Xena!> i have been saying this for years
Mog> xena robbing the cradle
OLYMPUS> she h as
OLYMPUS> she doesnt lie
OLYMPUS> ive been on cam with her
Xena!> anyone besides hg tell me what lie i have told
Mog> damn xena you're old.
Pryde> I was born in 1984!
Cash Flow > you are a kid
Curtis Lee> Mog she isn't old, she is experience mkay?
Xena!> mog :(
Mog> no hiding the wrinkles on the vaj when you're that old
Xena!> i look 40?
r> .roster intrinsic
Xena!> are u serious
Solartonix> lag bomb
Cash Flow > per SS rules, we will appoint a tribunal to proceed over this situation
Solartonix> boom!
OLYMPUS> is this kosovo
Cash Flow > selection will begin tomorrow at 10 am
OLYMPUS> xena id say you look late 30s
Pryde> I nominate PEZ.
Xena!> no i asked me to come get u from the pits of hell "ur parents house"
Xena!> from us sociopath father
Cash Flow > loser will be banned from ss
Xena!> im not revengful
Xena!> i want the truth to be known
Mog> i have principles, i never come in contact with a vagina that is older than 20 years.
OLYMPUS> so, one more time, xena
OLYMPUS> did you guys have sex
OLYMPUS> or not
Xena!> no
High Gain> I told you that you could stop by, AND THAT'S IT. THAT'S ALL I PROMISED YOU.
Xena!> and thats all i did
Mog> oh no
Cash Flow > i heard you promised her a long night of sexual relations
Xena!> i would have left sooner but u were off drugged up
Xena!> u made me take u to ur dads practice to get u drugs
Xena!> then u passed out
OLYMPUS> sounds hawt
Xena!> i waited for u top wake up so i could not be rude and say bye
Xena!> and u told me in person u loved me
OLYMPUS> so why did you go in the first place
Mog> aww
High Gain> I went to sleep TO GET AWAY FROM YOU.
OLYMPUS> why did you go to his house in the firs tplace
Xena!> u said u didnt feel any differently about me than before
Xena!> u mean i was upbeat and happy positive person
Xena!> to someone mentally depressed and on drugs ya that could be creepy i guess
Mog> and now we know HG's birthday, that's some private information there.
OLYMPUS> one would only assume
High Gain> No, just that you refused to take NO for an answer.
High Gain> Over and over and over.
Mog> can we have his social security number too?
Xena!> u never said no
Solartonix> lol
Xena!> i never asked for anything
High Gain>
Xena!> i just was at ur house till the hotel allowed check ins
High Gain> I give up. Ignored again.
Cash Flow > and he said yea
OLYMPUS> what was the purpose of the trpi
Cash Flow > and he said yea
OLYMPUS> trip*
Cash Flow > and he said yesa
Xena!> are u in withdrawl
Xena!> oly he asked me to come help him get off drugs
OLYMPUS> thats nice of you
Es Cape> why did u take ur kid with u ?
OLYMPUS> what did you think you were going to do
Xena!> by the state he was in when i found him i felt obligated to get him help
High Gain> Folks, expect the lies to pour in hot and fast from this transient. Believe them if you wish, but I advise not.
Mog> i gotta say, in all my years of subspace this is one of the most bizzare things
Xena!> hg asked me to move to wv cause he wanted to practice law here
Cash Flow > LOL
Xena!> cause he didnt want to take another bar exam
Xena!> so he said i should move here so he could move in with me
Curtis Lee> so um, I think we should take this to vent
Cash Flow > LOL
Xena!> once he saw i was here he was afraid to leave his drugs
ishy4life> that was kinda pointless
ishy4life> i told them they could have it
High Gain> I will, if this beast isn't there.
ishy4life> :-)
Xena!> he wont talk to me on vent
High Gain> I have nothing to say to her.
Curtis Lee> I wanna hear the two of you go at it live
BLAZER - E> no point in waiting to play here :)
Xena!> all he does is lie since i had him put in a drug rehab
Xena!> see
Curtis Lee> so I can comment on it
Xena!> u can sue
Xena!> because there is proof to back up my claims
Xena!> when u were drug tested everything i said was confirmed
Xena!> ur not prescribed benzos
a pez addi> what kind of drugs is high gain on
Xena!> or suboxine
Xena!> suboxone, benzo's and oxy
Xena!> 300mg a day lyrica
OLYMPUS> are oxys alot more powerful than perqs
Xena!> i heard his entire medical history at the rehab hearing
Curtis Lee> yes olympus
Xena!> yes
Xena!> they are pretty much stronger than heroin
Curtis Lee> oxy is generally for cancer patients etc
Cash Flow > i thought u guys were only ogether 12 hrs total?
Mog> lol
High Gain> Alright, someone just told me she brought up what she did. I am going to explain this in simple language, if I can.
Xena!> but hg is prescribed 60mg a day
Xena!> but he takes more
saiyan> NO
OLYMPUS> good point
Xena!> u cant cause ur a junkie dont even try
Xena!> u brought it up
Curtis Lee> i took 80mg one time.. and I remember waking up 2 days later wondering wtf happened =p
High Gain> This crazy person that I had never met before DRIVES to my house with her kid and her entire load of possessions in her car, homeless, and visits with me in person for approximately 3 hours.
Xena!> u started telling lies about me in ss so i started telling the truth
Xena!> im not homeless i relocated for u
Xena!> cause u asked me to
treachen> lol wtf
Mog> you relocated because someone asked you to online?
High Gain> I kick her out, she's angry because I don't want her, and she FILES A MENTAL HEALTH PETITION on me. In our State, the system is horribly broken, all it takes is the petition's WORD to have someone brought in.
Xena!> the reason my dog and cat was in his house was because i had to take them out to drive him to go get drugs
Cash Flow > wait...
High Gain> So, two sherrifs come to my house to pick me up.
Cash Flow > you guys were together 12 hrs total???
Xena!> he didnt kick me out his dad did
Cash Flow > how is this possible
Cash Flow > this seems like weeks of stories
Mog> oh this was his parents house?
Xena!> the reason i was there for so long is because 1 after a long trip he insisted i sleep
Mog> roflmao
a pez addi> High Gain> This crazy person that I had never met before DRIVES to my house with her kid and her entire load of possessions in her car, homeless, and visits with me in person for approximately 3 hours.
High Gain> They chain me like an animal, throw me in a squadcar, and bring to a hospital ER where I am held for EIGHTEEN HOURS OVERNIGHT in a hallway, in chains, with a cop guarding me the whole time.
a pez addi> High Gain> I kick her out, she's angry because I don't want her, and she FILES A MENTAL HEALTH PETITION on me. In our State, the system is horribly broken, all it takes is the petition's WORD to have someone brought in.
Mog> where is underlord when you need him
Xena!> and 2 because he slept in a drugged state 1/2 the time i was there
Cash Flow > LOL
a pez addi> you guys might want to stop the prac
a pez addi> and read that
Xena!> no i had proof
Cash Flow > u cant make this stuff up
Curtis Lee> agreed
Curtis Lee> everyone should go to spec
Curtis Lee> and read
Legacy> !stats
Xena!> because ur father threatened to sue them
Xena!> and because he had a lawyer
a pez addi> High Gain> They chain me like an animal, throw me in a squadcar, and bring to a hospital ER where I am held for EIGHTEEN HOURS OVERNIGHT in a hallway, in chains, with a cop guarding me the whole time.
The Villag> ,lol
Xena!> every controlled drug under the sun in his system
Cash Flow > this is alot of story/history for a 12 hr visit
Blink> yes
Xena!> he is having seizures
Xena!> and yelling that his father was being mean to him threatening to kick him out of his house cause he hasent had a job in 5 years
Xena!> i have been trying to help him over 2 years
Xena!> no they said they could see why i would file it
a pez addi> so he booted you to the curb and now you're stuck, feeling dumb, in wv?
Xena!> they were afraid of ur lawyer and thats it
Xena!> after u left the room ur lawyer said to me that u were a family in crisis and u would lash out at me in any way possible
Xena!> and to be careful cause u would try and get my daughter taken from me
Cash Flow > wtf
Xena!> do it
a pez addi> High Gain> NEVER COME NEAR ME AGAIN
High Gain> GO. TO. HELL.
High Gain> Ignored. And I'm done.
Xena!> why would i? i dont wanna get a lung infection again
a pez addi> high gain why arent you practicing law
Xena!> cause he is on drugs
dozzman> lovers quarrel
a pez addi> can u like...sue yourself for lost damages
Xena!> cause he cant leave his room
Es Cape> u should try to stay together for 24 hours im ready for the apocalypse
High Gain> I am, my license is active again :)
Curtis Lee> pez close your legs, your vagina is showing
Xena!> he is gonna be disbarred
a pez addi> did you get a restraining order against xena?
ojo> Hai xena
Cash Flow > takes alot for a lawyer to get disbarred
High Gain> No, that's being drafted
Xena!> he is lying he doesnt have the energy to watch the videos let alone go to a class
OLYMPUS> what state is this again
ojo> Hai cash flo king friend
Xena!> west virginia
Cash Flow > hi ojo
mr. pengui> bee bbe bee be bee?
Xena!> talk over 2 years
Curtis Lee> HG, Xena, neither of you were attracted to each other after meeting?
mr. pengui> bee bee bee bee?
mr. pengui> HG = xenas husband?
Xena!> first time i felt bad cause i rejected him he asked me to come to him 2x
mr. pengui> i knew it
High Gain> She was trying to crawl all over me.
High Gain> I had to run away.
Xena!> lol
ojo> lol
Cash Flow > xena said you kept asking her to come?
Xena!> lol
OLYMPUS> dont stop
ojo> .showline
ojo> wow
ojo> wtf
High Gain> No, she begged to come. i told her she could visit, and that was it. She had a whole other FANTASY made up in her mind about what she was doing.
ojo> HUSH
ojo> OLD MAN
High Gain> And that, I had nothing to do with.
Xena!> begged? rofl
Cash Flow > seems like we have, what you lawyers call, a difference in testimony
Xena!> i had a job and a place lined up in nashville before i came
Xena!> why would i get money and move to wv if not to help him
OLYMPUS> in hopes of finding a baby daddy perhaps?
Xena!> i have witnesses
Curtis Lee> omg omg omg
Xena!> he is so drugged up he cant get it up
treachen> looooooool
OLYMPUS> did you try
ojo> wat do drugs taste like?
OLYMPUS> depends which ones
mr. pengui> BEE BEE BEE BEE BEE
Xena!> well sort of maybe.,.. he did have a boner the first hour we hung out
Xena!> but i dont sleep with ppl when first meeting plus i didnt wanna have sex with someone who smells of ass
Xena!> i tried to be nice
Xena!> it was hard
ojo> no need to say ass
Xena!> when i entered his room i found a disgusting mess... like in horders
Es Cape> when did u ssend the mental health thingy then?
High Gain> She did it in a mad rage the day after.
Xena!> the day after when i was told he texted a friend saying he was going to put himself in a coma and not talk for a few days
Xena!> why would i be mad... he smelled of ass
OLYMPUS> yeah i do that every second weekeend
Xena!> his hair stands straight up
High Gain> Now you tell me, based on her actions, who would you say is telling the truth in this story? Who really rejected whom?
ojo> quit saying ass
ojo> wtf
Xena!> he smelled like ass
Xena!> and BO
High Gain> It's clear I booted her and she was angry. Therefore what followed.
Xena!> i made him change his sheets
ojo> FANNY
Xena!> why would i be angry?
a pez addi> lol xena thought she was moving in with a lawyer who had a job and got high gain
Curtis Lee> did she make you change your sheets HG?
treachen> lol
ojo> ^lol
Xena!> ask him if i cleaned nearly 3 trash bags of soda cans and cigarette butts from his room
High Gain> I'm done with this. Enough entertainment for one night. ;)
ojo> yer honor
Xena!> lol he wont answer
Xena!> then when he got new begging the blanket had a huge hole in it
Xena!> bedding
ojo> this is sum serious stuff
treachen> that's a boner hole xena, you're supposed to work with it
Xena!> .........
Cash Flow > lol
Cash Flow > thats a mormon sex garment
treachen> yes
Need pilots to duel in ?go duel - ojo
Xena!> they are so drugged up in their house they cant even walk their dogs
Curtis Lee> im moving in with HG
Xena!> do it
High Gain> I would add, as a last thought, that her continuous commentary on this is a solid indicator of her anger and obsession. This is a very sick individual. Stay far away.
Xena!> then u will see that everything i said was the truth
ojo> lol highgain
Da Monkk> brb
Da Monkk> nm
a pez addi> how does high gain pay for his drugs if he doesnt have a job
mr. pengui> no
mr. pengui> adidas
mr. pengui> fgt
Xena!> his dad who is a doctor gets them for him
OLYMPUS> udontevenlift...
Xena!> his father is under investigation by the dea
ojo> oly has a hernia
a pez addi> is their house nice then?
Paul Harri> oly have you purchased a replacement cat yet?
Xena!> he doesnt lift anything but chicken wings and soda into his mouth
Xena!> im dying because of u
OLYMPUS> wow harris
High Gain> Ok, ok, done.
OLYMPUS> just wow
Cash Flow > so youre saying this was a friendly break up?
OLYMPUS> you know how to hit me where it hurts
OLYMPUS> im off
Curtis Lee> rofl
ojo> cats suck
a pez addi> agree to disagree
High Gain> Feel free to stop at any time.
Curtis Lee> tonight has been epic
Xena!> i had 2 breathing treatments today
ojo> creepy little bastards
Curtis Lee> but cats are gay
Xena!> im on antibiotics
Xena!> my daughter is sick from being in his nasty house as well
a pez addi> Xena!> i had 2 breathing treatments today
Paul Harri> curtis how can you say that?
a pez addi> what is a breathing treatment
Curtis Lee> describe the house xena
Xena!> how much more trash is surrounding u right now hg
a pez addi> if hg and his dad have doctorates i bet their house is ballin
Xena!> everything covered in dust
Xena!> it was disgusting
Xena!> he is a slob
Curtis Lee> the whole house?
Xena!> mostly the basment and his room
a pez addi> did he have like his own cottage
a pez addi> and his own pool
Curtis Lee> I hate dishes in a sink
Xena!> the living room wasnt much better cause they all smoke like chimneys in there
Curtis Lee> drives me crazy
Cash Flow > smoking inside is gross
Xena!> there was when i got there, but his mother cleaned them when i got there
High Gain> You spend 8-12 hours in my house, and you get sick TEN DAYS LATER?
Xena!> its been a week
High Gain> TEN DAYS
Cash Flow > good point
Xena!> long enough for the bacteria to buld up
treachen> LOL
a pez addi> did you explain that you met him off the internet and you planned to move in?
High Gain> You ARE an idiot.
Xena!> plus ive been slowly getting sick
High Gain> You REALLY are.
Xena!> no ur an adiot
High Gain> Jesus CHRIST
Xena!> idiot
Curtis Lee> hahahahaha pez addict
Xena!> not to mention he drank so much soda the guy has 0 teeth
Xena!> none
Xena!> why would i wanna kiss someone who has no teeth
saiyan> lmao
Xena!> his father said at the hearing his teeth rot out of his mouth from drinking too much soda
saiyan> the gayness has no limit
Xena!> which would confirm it considering there was like 100 or more soda cans all over his room
ojo> i like soda
ojo> do you like soda?
Xena!> eh knew i was coming for a week and didnt clean his room or shave or wash his ass
High Gain> more lies, just amazing
Es Cape> u checked his ass?
a pez addi> why did you do so much ass sniffing while you were there?
Xena!> till i got there.. i called and i waited at booksamillion for him to shower
Xena!> then he said i could come
ojo> lol pez
Armored-Fi> looks like i missed a whole soap opera this week
Xena!> i got there and i didnt have to knock
Curtis Lee> thats the 3rd comment pez has said that made me laugh out loud
Xena!> he came outside and hugged me
Cash Flow > u have no idea
Xena!> pez the entire house smelled of ass
ojo> this is getting hot
Armored-Fi> duuuuude.....this is just waitin for xena to say her acct is hijaced or sumthin lol
Xena!> u couldnt miss it
Es Cape> soda farts/
Armored-Fi> hahhahahahha
Xena!> the guy probably doesnt even own deodorant
ojo> this WAS getting hot
Xena!> no
High Gain> yes
Xena!> after seeing how bad he was doing i was afraid he was gonna die
ojo> lol
Xena!> so i called the police and asked what i should do
Xena!> they told me to go file a pention for a mental hygiene evaluation
Xena!> so i did
Curtis Lee> so ultimately HG got chained down like a rascal, had blood drawn then released the next day?
Jae> can u log it
Xena!> they found what i said to have truth to it so they went and picked him up
Cash Flow > haha
Xena!> except u didnt reject me
Xena!> u told me u loved me
Xena!> why would u do that
Curtis Lee> so when you left Xena, did HG say he loved you?
Xena!> did u lie?
High Gain> You don't have to HAVE any truth in it to get someone picked up. The system here is BROKEN. All you have to do is PROMISE it's true.
ojo> romantic crap
High Gain> The police offers didn't want to take me.
Xena!> he said that he didnt feel any differently than before we met
Xena!> and that we would be in contact
High Gain> They told me a story about a kid who wanted to have a party while his parents were away
High Gain> His big brother wouldn't let him
Cash Flow > im sure someone is
Armored-Fi> tnt we know drama
High Gain> So the little brother swore out a petition, same as Xena here, and had his big brother held overnight
High Gain> And hence he had his party
Xena!> he just made up the im angry thing to make it seem i was being mean
High Gain> This was just as baseless, and it was DISMISSED utterly
High Gain> I am well within my rights to go after her now
High Gain> And after this, I am
Xena!> then do it
Xena!> i have proof to have been conserned
ojo> r u guna kill her
Xena!> u had drugs u said u didnt even know how got there in his system
High Gain> Try all you want. I'll own you at every turn just like I did last week.
Curtis Lee> did he have meth in his system? or cocaine?
ojo> BOOOM!
Xena!> i said controlled drugs
Xena!> as in prescription drugs
Curtis Lee> I want to know every drug HG had in his system
Xena!> i didnt say he had street drugs
Cash Flow > are you logging this
High Gain> You'll go to bed and wake up with haunting your every though. You'll wake up screaming after hearing me yell 'OBJECTION!' in your dreams.
ojo> pills?
a pez addi> no
Xena!> benzo's lyrica oxy and suboxone
a pez addi> think the bot logs it if its during a prac
Cash Flow > i missed a bunch damn it
ojo> pills
High Gain> and lies and lies and lies and lies
Curtis Lee> lyrica is a sleep aid is it not?
Cash Flow > its not
Xena!> i think that u will never do anything and i will ignore u
Xena!> no
Xena!> look it up
mr. pengui> pez
mr. pengui> i found u real shoes
Xena!> he would have seizures and blame it on them
ojo> i've seen the comercials for lyrica
mr. pengui>
Xena!> cause he was taking too much lyrica
Curtis Lee> why are you having seizures HG?
ojo> i forgot wat they did though
a pez addi> lol terrible
High Gain> You had me chained like an animal because of your silly infatuation. Do you really think I'll forgive that? Let it go?
High Gain> Hell no
High Gain> Get ready, I'm coming
mr. pengui>
mr. pengui> which one pez
Xena!> whyy do u think i thought they would chain u
a pez addi> samba garbage, do you play soccer
High Gain> Consult with Alex all you want, I roll over him too if he gets in front of me.
Xena!> how would i know they would do that
Armored-Fi> .player high gain
mr. pengui> ??
mr. pengui> which one is better
a pez addi> id go with green, but black shoes in general are bad
mr. pengui> fool
mr. pengui> why
Curtis Lee> dont think Alex will get in the middle of all this
Armored-Fi> .stats high gain
Armored-Fi> .pracstats high gain
a pez addi> cuz theyr'e garbage
a pez addi> get lifting shoes
ojo> omg
Xena!> i think alex will back me up with more proof
mr. pengui> black and yellow
ojo> quuit being mean to each other
mr. pengui> like a bee
Xena!> he even said i lied about my name
Xena!> LOL
ojo> Dis getting srs
a pez addi>
Xena!> hg whats my name
High Gain> I think I'll crush you alone or both of you. Doesn't matter to me.
mr. pengui> bad pez
mr. pengui> see the back
Xena!> so ur gonna come hurt me?
mr. pengui> bad for deadlifting
Xena!> crush me with ur giant weight
mr. pengui> thoise are for O lifting
ojo> lol
ojo> ^
High Gain> No, I'm going to make you pay for what you did to the maximum extent under the law.
Xena!> i didnt do anything wrong
Xena!> i did what i felt was right and for no other reason
Cash Flow > you sure you guys cant work this out and get back together?
High Gain> Apparently you did, since they rejected your petition and said it had no probable cause, which is a LOW, LOW standard to meet in the first place.
Xena!> however im not thrilled about living in a hotel here in wv and giving up my life i had in tennessee for u just so u could decide u couldnt leave ur drugs behind
Xena!> they said they could see how i would be conserned
Xena!> they said u would try and hurt me
High Gain> I'm sure child services isn't thrilled either, if they know. BTW, nice lie about her being in school during the hearing. I let that one pass.
Armored-Fi> you guys could make money on jerry springer...if that show is still running
Xena!> and i was in danger
Need pilots to duel in ?go duel - duelr
Xena!> which is funny
Xena!> cause they said u werent a danger to others
Xena!> thats funny
Xena!> ur not a danger
Xena!> LOL
mr. pengui> bbebebebebebebe
Xena!> so when are u gonna kill ur parents?
mr. pengui> bebebebe.. bebebeb?
Xena!> thats what u said u wanted to do
High Gain> They meant I had every right to sue your ass, not hurt you physically. You are incredibly stupid.
a pez addi> USA 1 CRC 2 8(((
Cash Flow > this is getting scary
Xena!> ur a junkie who smells like ass
Plutorus> rocket launch pushed back to 11:27
Curtis Lee> omgomgomg
Xena!> who drinks a 12 pack of soda a day
Motorzep> penguin you decide to become a trainer at your gym yet? to help other wimps lift?
Curtis Lee> so many macro worthy comments
ojo> cash, HOLD ME
ojo> ;<
Xena!> he asked if i wanted a drink and he didnt even have bottled water
mr. pengui> i give some tips if they ask
Xena!> all he had to drink was soda
mr. pengui> not usually tho
mr. pengui> im bigger than all the trainers
mr. pengui> and i lift more
Xena!> he said earlier he lifts LOL
ojo> gata have that soda
Xena!> go take a shirtless pic and show them how much u lift hg
Curtis Lee> I drink alot of soda
Xena!> show them how buff u are
ojo> soda is gud
Curtis Lee> I probably drink more than anyone
Crescendo> why
Curtis Lee> ishy
Curtis Lee> cant play, in spec chat
ishy4life> like everyone apparently
Xena!> show them how much u lift hg
treachen> malfunction in the primary thruster electronics
Curtis Lee> High Gain> She was trying to crawl all over me. High Gain> I had to run away.
Xena!> tell more lies
a pez addi> 12oz curls nothing to scoff at
ojo> lol
Armored-Fi> hahahh
Cash Flow > lol
Curtis Lee> Xena!> you just a junkie that smells like ass
treachen> hahaha
Cash Flow > 120 calorie deadlift
Curtis Lee> HG is a junkie that smells like ass, and overweight
ojo> imadimadimadimadimadimadikillyouimadimadimad
Xena!> with no teeth
ishy4life> .roster llamas
Xena!> who cant afford to get dentures
Curtis Lee> Xena is overweight and coniving and makes people go 2 jail
Xena!> drug rehab
ojo> wow
Curtis Lee> and Curtis is a horny bastard
Motorzep> settle down Digs
ishy4life> ready
ojo> i need a wifey
ojo> xena
ojo> wana be my wifey
Curtis Lee> sup mot0-3zep
Xena!> but hg rejected me cause im not hot
Curtis Lee> see what i did to your name motor
Xena!> gross
Xena!> is gross
ojo> lol curtis
ojo> quit braking ppls names
terrestria> .cap
Curtis Lee> is the vent broken xena?
Curtis Lee> i cant log in
Xena!> what happened to being tied down to a bed
Xena!> did that not happen now
Xena!> its hard to keep ur stories striaght
Xena!> when he was on drugs
Curtis Lee> me? I was tied down last weekend to the bed
Xena!> disorders
Xena!> no hg
Curtis Lee> xena check vent pls
Xena!> well yes i was
Curtis Lee> I cant get in
Xena!> im in vent
Motorzep> why so mean curtis
High Gain> Never said I was tied to a bed. I was in chains, sitting on a bed. In a hallway. For 18 hours.
High Gain> Thank you SO much for that.
Cash Flow > and thats your legal reason
High Gain> I'll remember it with every document I file.
Xena!> u said u were tied down hands and feet to a bed
Xena!> is that not true now?
ishy4life> ft
Curtis Lee> not being mean bro you know I think your sexy
High Gain> Nope. Never said that. Total lie.
Motorzep> <3 data-blogger-escaped-xena=""> so alex was lying?
ojo> dunt fall for his words motor
Curtis Lee> ojo quit being jealous
High Gain> More likely he misunderstood or mistranslated. Just like he did when he though "communications blackout" meant "intentional drug coma", although I think that's a real stretch.
High Gain> I've used that term with you two before, and it wasn't a threat back then.
ishy4life> o
High Gain> Why now? could it be because I said NO?
High Gain> HRM.
ojo> oops
ojo> broke a cable
Xena!> but u didnt say no
High Gain> You wanted revenge
Curtis Lee> me being military, comm black out means devices turned off, not drug coma =p
ojo> wat did i miss
Xena!> i dont do revenge
High Gain> and you got some. but it's going to cost, you miserable whore.
High Gain> you know the saying
Curtis Lee> what comes around
High Gain> Take what you want, and pay.
Curtis Lee> goes around
Xena!> why dont u just come here and we can settle this like men
Curtis Lee> I believe Justin Timberlake has a song about that
ojo> guys
ojo> lets stop being mean to each other
Xena!> we can take this to the street and fight it out
ojo> hug it out
ishy4life> ft
Xena!> if u can beat me up i will give u 10k
Curtis Lee> xena don't play that card
Xena!> no really
Xena!> he is that weak
Curtis Lee> as soon as he showed up you would call the cops
High Gain> Nice try. You won't get a physical threat from me to use as ammunition, Xena. I WILL NEVER PHYSICALLY HARM YOU.
Xena!> no
Psycho Pse> if one of you murders the other, can you can carve "subspace" into the other's head to give our game publicity/revival ?
Xena!> id beat him up if he hit me
High Gain> And that's for the little archive of HG you keep, apparently.
Xena!> but u already have
Xena!> im sick because of ur diseased house
a pez addi> sick shot attempt usa 8(
ojo> lol pp
Xena!> u can use the 10k to buy urself some teeth
Curtis Lee> this would actually be the pinnacle of bringing SS some light
Xena!> so u can eat food
Xena!> hg
Xena!> pew pew bomb
Curtis Lee> wait Xena how does HG eat chicken wings without teeth?
High Gain> You don't get sick 10 days later from spending a few hours in someone's house. It just doesn't happen. Biologically impossible. Sorry.
Xena!> imnotondrugs urondrugs
Mog> ladee about to launch on nasa TV
Motorzep> don't change the subject odin
Xena!> like u know how bacterial infections work
Mog> my name is Mog
terrestria> LOL
Mog> the son of Gog
Xena!> i told u i would most likely get sick from being in ur house when i was there
BLAZER - E> hehe
ojo> Hi mog
Xena!> thats why i cleaned ur room
ojo> My name is ojo
Xena!> not that it helped much
Motorzep> mog so literal
Curtis Lee> Mog = Odin?
Xena!> ur so used to sitting in ur filth that u cant even smell it anymore
High Gain> Why don't you throw Alex under the bus too, eh? Is he so different? Only in one way.
High Gain> He hasn't rejected your ass.
Motorzep> Mog = Digs
High Gain> That's all you care about.
Xena!> hg why dont u give me my ring back ok
High Gain> Hell no, I want nothing to do with you
Curtis Lee> sweet, thanks Mog for taking the Digs title
High Gain> You're a plague
Xena!> im not romantically involved with him
Es Cape> u exchanged ruiings in the 12 hours u were together ?
Xena!> give me my ring back
Es Cape> rings*
Curtis Lee> HG HAS A RING??
Xena!> yes
Mog> wtf i think both digs and i are offended
Xena!> my ring
Curtis Lee> do explain this story
High Gain> Ask Brenda, I returned it to sender, unopened. The letter containing the ring, that is.
Armored-Fi> you gave him the ring after you smelled his house or before
Xena!> sweet thanx
ishy4life> no
Xena!> hg let me ask u
Xena!> why didnt u bring up meina?
Xena!> u could have
Curtis Lee> who is meina?
Psycho Pse> this is the epitome of airing dirty laundry.... sheesh guys.. stop trying to make each other look bad bc you are angry... its not good for either of you. you know that.
High Gain> Because I have a little class
High Gain> Unlike you, apparently
Xena!> so its because u love me
highrate> star crossed lovers
High Gain> No, it's simple human kindness
terrestria> You can't love a whore
High Gain> Which you lack
ojo> no loving wile fightinh
Curtis Lee> I think HG still loves you Xena
Xena!> and ur being kind now?
ojo> tis gross
Mog> oh man this is going to happen
highrate> make up sex++
Mog> 6 minutes
ojo> ya
Mog> watch the sky if you're in the washington DC area
ojo> lets get back to the hot part
Xena!> look here... while u were gone all week u know how many ppl i told about this ordeal and about ur horrible state i found u in?
Xena!> i told curt
Es Cape> did u send the ring to hg after all this happened?
Xena!> thats all
High Gain> No, you threw away your right to that when you decided to start laying out my life in subspace, with lots of lies sprinkled in.
Xena!> u come in here and the first day what do u do
Xena!> u told dre u rejected me lol
Xena!> u told curt lies
Xena!> and alex
Armored-Fi> hg she feels sorry for you and may be willing to help you, but you first have to admit your shortcomings
Xena!> its like this
laurensWay> oh better than soaps
Xena!> u came in ss and stated airing our dirty laundry
Xena!> so i thought id share the truth
Curtis Lee> Armored you have to admit your short comings.. in your pants?
High Gain> I told alex one lie and he knows why, obviously. You've manipulated both of us against each other.
High Gain> And for THAT
Xena!> before that i told no one but curt anything
High Gain> I hate you more than anything
Xena!> rofl
Armored-Fi> huh
High Gain> You've tried to take my friend from me
Xena!> i ddint
Xena!> u lied to him uncountless times
Es Cape> uhg
ojo> can i be alex
Xena!> u loied about ur mother falling off a ladder
Curtis Lee> HG, Alex kind of has his own reasons, he doesn't care about Xena and that situation, I'll explain later
Xena!> u lied about being on drugs
Xena!> u lied about having surgery
Psycho Pse> whats with the sky, Mog?
Xena!> u lied about helpiung ur mother
Xena!> u lied everytime u made an excuse not to trade with him
Xena!> the only person who took ur friend is u
High Gain> absolutely not true
Xena!> and u know the sad part of all of this?