Thursday, June 14, 2012

fujihein - 02/22/2004

  Log file open: fujihein.txt
  Welcome to Chaos/DZ/Premier Zone | 2v2 League Now Taking Signups. Register at
P    Chaos-Bot> Current Freqsize:  5.  Players needed for next higher Freqsize:  5
P    Chaos-Bot> Number of non-spec players:  31
        a tool> ?chat
  onehate: Bo,A System Error,Frowzy+,book,a tool
  ratite: Bo,A System Error,Frowzy+,book,Primacy,a tool
  specialtea: a tool
  toolbox: a tool
  hasst: A System Error,Frowzy+,a tool
  TheFoxx(34) killed by: newbanator
        a tool> ?find frowzy+
  Frowzy+ - 4v4aml1
        Alf157> i got to poop
  Welcome to the Premier League portion of SSCX Chaos/League SVS. Site
P      MRBot-5> Welcome to: Freq100 vs Freq200 (11-0 Freq100 -- [4v1]) [Type: Prac]
         Tenet> Scary scary
C 1:ManDude> hi
      Iykithar> J9
  Welcome to the Premier League portion of SSCX Chaos/League SVS. Site:
C 1:book> hey md
P      MRBot-2> Welcome to: Freq100 vs Freq200 (9-7 Freq100 -- [2v2]) [Type: Prac]
C 1:Bo> =(
         roark> we both took that green
C 1:a tool> fag =)
C 1:book> hey bo :(
C 1:ManDude> stfu
C 5:Frowzy+> would be fun to see the upper staff boards =p
C 1:Bo> sup
C 1:Bo> MD
C 1:ManDude> hi
C 1:Bo> he left yet?
C 1:ManDude> yea he just left
  Optic(200) killed by: roark
  Optic killed by: roark
  Optic has  1  life remaining
  Score: 9-8 Freq100 -- [2v2]
C 2:book> got cap in 4v4b
  Optic changed ships.
C 1:a tool> oh yeah the fuji thing
C 1:a tool> how did that go
  Need pilots to duel in ?go duel - ZDeathX
C 1:ManDude> interesting
C 1:Bo> very 
C 1:a tool> like fucked up or really fucked up
C 1:book> did he find you 
        Surrey> nice
    Treadstone> yeah, nice 2-3
        Surrey> thx
C 1:Bo> I found him after I sat at a gas station for an hour
        Surrey> I was 3rd out $
    Treadstone> go play CR $
        Surrey> I KO'ed a guy
        Surrey> it was elite
    Treadstone> lol
C 1:ManDude> fuji, myself, BO, heineken girl, KoZ, KarnEvil, storm weaver, anakin, darks defender
C 1:a tool> breaking bottles behind wawa
      Twizllur> lol
C 1:a tool> LOL KOZ
      Twizllur> nice rep ignore elmo
C 1:ManDude> you tell me how that would go
C 1:ManDude> yeah koz
C 1:a tool> LOLOLOLOL
C 1:ManDude> i was like WTF are you doing here
C 1:a tool> what a son of a bitch
C 1:ManDude> hehe
C 1:ManDude> he's a white rapper
C 1:a tool> ...
C 1:Frowzy+> ..
C 1:ManDude> motherbitch
C 1:a tool> excuse me
C 1:Frowzy+> heineken was on her knees for him I bet then.
    Treadstone> !showline
  elmo(206) killed by: bhang
  elmo killed by: bhang
  elmo has  2  lives remaining
  Score: TIED 9-9 -- [2v2]
C 1:ManDude> actually
C 1:a tool> baaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaahahhaAHAHAHAHAK>AHEARKLHAWELJHTRASLEHFAAHhahahahahahahaahahahashahaaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahaaahahahahahahahaahahahahahalaahwlwethrtsdlfhew4urhfewuorfw4ohruhwlu
C 1:Bo> Did you hear what I said to him when he started 'rapping'?
C 1:ManDude> she was
C 1:ManDude> no
C 1:Bo> He was sitting there 
C 1:Bo> 'wrapping' and I was like 'Go Eminem, get on with you white self =("
C 1:ManDude> haha
C 1:ManDude> eminem
C 1:ManDude> THUG LOVE
  NOTICE: 10 minutes remaining in regulation
C 1:ManDude> i feel like such a nerd
C 1:a tool> skrait illin in the KY niggas =(
C 1:Bo> I did last night =(
C 1:ManDude> no shit
  Llamasery vs Mutiny is being held in 4v4b  -LordVegas+
C 1:Bo> Then Fuji got SHAMED
        a tool> ?chat
  onehate: Bo,A System Error,Frowzy+,book,a tool,ManDude
  ratite: Bo,A System Error,Frowzy+,book,Primacy,a tool,ManDude
  specialtea: a tool
  toolbox: a tool
  hasst: A System Error,Frowzy+,a tool,ManDude
C 1:a tool> lol for what
  a pez addict> whiff
C 1:Bo> First to passout
C 1:a tool> SHAME
C 1:Bo> And it was his birthday
C 1:book> rofl
        Surrey> tie game!
C 1:ManDude> oh my god 
C 1:a tool> LOL
C 1:ManDude> that boy was OUT
C 1:Bo> MD wrote on his ass crack
C 2:Primacy> prac3 need 3
C 1:a tool> party foul =(
C 1:ManDude> lol
C 1:a tool> gross
C 2:Primacy> against sfe
C 1:Bo> He wrote 'MD pimped you'
  Optic(200) killed by: roark
  Optic killed by: roark
  Optic is OUT!
  Score: 10-9 Freq200 -- [2v1]
C 1:ManDude> i wrote 'mandude pimped you' on his ass crack that was hanging out of his pants
    Treadstone> i want to see surreys DPM
        Surrey> yea
        Surrey> I was pimpin it up
C 1:a tool> where'd he pass out
C 1:Bo> Get this
        Surrey> and I'm going to win $
C 1:ManDude> on the floor
C 1:ManDude> in the middle of the living room
C 1:a tool> lol
     AcidFreak> u already lost
        Surrey> nUH UH
     AcidFreak> u died out
C 1:Bo> Fuji is, by no means, a small person
        Surrey> I'm winning
        Surrey> Xviper
C 1:ManDude> no
    Treadstone> ignore acid
        Surrey> was KO'ed by me!
     AcidFreak> no...roark and bhang are wining
C 1:book> it's times like this i'm glad you fuckers live 3500 miles away from me
C 1:ManDude> but i outdrank that motherfucker last night
C 1:A System Error>  should have took pictures
    Treadstone> he is clueless
        Surrey> you already lost too
        Surrey> asshole
C 1:Bo> He's like 6'3" and 250
        Surrey> gg
C 2:Shortbow> fuck
C 1:ManDude> i tried calling bismark like 100 times
    Treadstone> yeah acid
     AcidFreak> ya..I know :(
        Surrey> and your team is going to lose
C 1:ManDude> i was determined to get him on the phone
         roark> !time
C 2:Shortbow> agp and the other on are on the same toggle, ie it should be detecting this vid card.
C 1:a tool> HI JIZZMARK
C 1:a tool> GG click
C 2:Shortbow> in bios
C 2:Primacy> shortbow come prac3
C 1:ManDude> yep
C 1:Bo> His pants where sagging BAD, and he got up to piss and MD got an eye full of big hairy ass crack
        Surrey> while my team is going to win
C 2:Shortbow> i need coffe
C 1:ManDude> he almost pissed on anakin
C 1:ManDude> outside
C 1:a tool> man i'm 6'7 and barely 200. i don't eat. =(
  elmo(200) killed by: bhang
  elmo killed by: bhang
  elmo has  1  life remaining
  Score: 11-9 Freq200 -- [2v1]
  Undermined vs ElementalForces is being held in 4v4aml2  -Mizerie+
C 2:Primacy> need 2 prac3
C 1:ManDude> we were standing out there trying to get him to wake up
C 1:ManDude> and he just starts pissing right there
  Blitzed vs Krieger is being held in 4v4aml1  -Frowzy+
C 2:book> freq?
C 1:a tool> lol
C 2:Primacy> 200
C 1:ManDude> i see anakin jump out of the way and i was like wtf, is he pissing?
C 1:Bo> It took us 20 minutes to get him to my jeep
C 1:ManDude> sure enough
C 2:Shortbow> i need to change these bomb explosions too
        Surrey> HOOKER
C 1:a tool> bet my ass some shit would go down if we all got together to drink or whatever
        a tool> ?chat
  onehate: Bo,A System Error,Frowzy+,book,a tool,ManDude
  ratite: Bo,A System Error,Frowzy+,book,Primacy,a tool,ManDude,Shortbow
  specialtea: a tool
  toolbox: a tool
  hasst: A System Error,Frowzy+,a tool,ManDude
C 1:a tool> some fucked up stuff we'd never let go
          elmo> ??
  elmo(200) killed by: roark
  elmo killed by: roark
  roark(212) killed by: elmo
  elmo is OUT!
  Score: 12-9 Freq200 -- [2v0]
  roark killed by: elmo
  roark has  1  life remaining
  Score: 12-10 Freq200 -- [2v0]
          elmo> whatever
  Game Over!
  Freq 200 (Freq200) is victorious!
  Final Score: 12-10 -- Game Time: 24:23
        Surrey> hehe
  | F 100: Freq100          Ki/De  KO  TK  LO  SK  As  FR  PTime  |  DPM/D  DPM/T  DE-%  |  AccB  AccG  BP-%  |
  | Slot1: Xviper            2/ 3   0   0   0   1   2   0  11:23  |   1772   3114   36%  |   48%   41%   58%  |
  | Slot2: AcidFreak         2/ 3   1   0   0   2   2   5  14:29  |   2139   1944   52%  |   54%   49%   56%  |
  | Slot3: elmo              3/ 3   0   0   0   2   1   0  24:20  |   2305   2440   48%  |   69%   53%   58%  |
  | Slot4: Optic             3/ 3   1   0   2   0   0   3  21:03  |   1862   1892   48%  |   44%   43%   60%  |
  | Team Totals             10/12   2   0   2   5   5   8         |   2019   2347   46%  |   53%   46%   58%  |
  | F 200: Freq200          Ki/De  KO  TK  LO  SK  As  FR  PTime  |  DPM/D  DPM/T  DE-%  |  AccB  AccG  BP-%  |
  | Slot1: Surrey            2/ 3   1   0   0   0   1   2  11:38  |   2243   3051   42%  |   57%   44%   62%  |
  | Slot2: bhang             3/ 2   0   0   2   2   1   3  24:12  |   2111   2080   50%  |   60%   47%   56%  |
  | Slot3: a pez addiction   2/ 3   0   0   0   1   0   1  08:47  |   2222   2339   48%  |   71%   48%   58%  |
  | Slot4: roark             5/ 2   3   0   0   4   3   3  24:21  |   2266   1977   53%  |   61%   43%   59%  |
  | Team Totals             12/10   4   0   2   7   5   9         |   2210   2361   48%  |   62%   45%   58%  |
         roark> hug elmo
  MRStats for this game can be viewed at:
  MVP: roark (+214)               -- Runner Up: bhang ( +49)              
  LVP: a pez addiction (-163)     -- Runner Up: Xviper ( -70)             
  eof has 15 seconds to claim their captain spot
        Surrey> I WON!
          elmo> tank more chink
          elmo> :)
       Cerium+> watch the racials please
C 1:ManDude> as long as you wouldnt talk about subspace.
         roark> take it up the ass wop 8D
  MaynardJames has 15 seconds to claim their captain spot
          elmo> cerium
        Surrey> hahah
          elmo> stfu
          elmo> we are both
          elmo> chinese
          elmo> and can use
C 1:a tool> md> and tool was like "check this shit out" all i remember after he jumped off the couch into the fire. he was flailing around and awol just laughed.
         roark> those are terms of endearment
          elmo> yes
  book has 15 seconds to claim their captain spot
          elmo> agreed
C 1:ManDude> haha
C 1:Bo> lol
  yomama has 15 seconds to claim their captain spot
C 1:A System Error>  haha
C 1:book> heh
    Treadstone> damnit i missed it
  Gunstar has 15 seconds to claim their captain spot
         roark> !freqinfo
    Treadstone> how much DPM dealt Surrey?
        Surrey> 2243
      Twizllur> 2243 3051
  Snail has 15 seconds to claim their captain spot
        Surrey> and 3051
    Treadstone> heh
C 1:a tool> fuck talking about ss. that's just some fucking blasphemy. partial reason i never went to any of the ss cons
C 1:Bo> They were some pretty annoying drunks though =(
C 1:a tool> really
    Treadstone> Rage hi
  Tiefighter has 15 seconds to claim their captain spot
        Surrey> I am an aggressive sob
     AcidFreak> it will go threw all 23 people
     AcidFreak> and I will get cap
          Rage> hi
  Drayven has 15 seconds to claim their captain spot
    Treadstone> !showline
  Welcome to the Premier League portion of SSCX Chaos/League SVS. Site:
P      MRBot-7> Welcome to: Blitzed vs Krieger -- Game will be starting shortly.
          PhaT> can we borrow some of your players
          PhaT> we seem to be running low
  NevainisH(202) killed by: Perceptor
  Perceptor(202) killed by: NevainisH
  Perceptor(200) killed by: NevainisH
       ProZack> cant make it :(
C 1:a tool> i'd be the first one to punch someone in the throat if they mentioned ss throughout any of the night.
        CRUMBS> nooo :(
C 1:Frowzy+> krieger has begun it's self-destruction
C 1:a tool> even if someone mumbled good game
C 1:Frowzy+> they can't get enough players to play
C 1:A System Error>  hahaha
  rotten dot c> O.D.'d
        a tool> ?squadowner faggots
  Owner is Rashaverak
  ProZack(200) killed by: NevainisH
           Axe> hey men
           Axe> blizted men
           Axe> lets play men :)
        a tool> ?squadowner fagort
       Cloaker> hi axe men
        a tool> ?squadowner fag
  Owner is Rashaverak
           Axe> hi men
  CRUMBS(200) killed by: Cloaker
        a tool> hey baby
           Axe> where lady of the lake and madboy men?
        CRUMBS> OMG
        Plumpy> OMG
  NOTICE: 5 minutes remaining.
  Plumpy(207) killed by: NevainisH
        Plumpy> omg
  rotten dot c> they are on a spy mission
           Axe> to where men
  Welcome to the Premier League portion of SSCX Chaos/League SVS. Site
P      MRBot-8> Welcome to: Undermined vs ElementalForces -- Game will be starting shortly.
     rEcrEancE> hi sg
        a tool> hi
           smc> woo woo
  NOTICE: 5 minutes remaining.
           smc> divine to own
           smc> yessss
           smc> >:D
        a tool> wait why the fuck are you on ef
        Asher-> we'll sub him after he uses 1 rep
           smc> lol ash
     rEcrEancE> meh why not
P    rEcrEancE> i needed a squad :\
C 1:Frowzy+> wtf
        a tool> true
C 1:Frowzy+> blitzed is starting prozack
P       a tool> lol
  Asher-(200) killed by: Purple
C 1:a tool> blitzed loses. next match
C 1:book> who is he?
      Imposter> !ready
      Imposter> can you guys ready it?
C 1:a tool> lord. there's like 50 people on EF
   freakmonger> !cancel
      Imposter> FU!
     rEcrEancE> we might not have enough
      Imposter> HAHAHAHAHAHHA
        a tool> NO NTS
  Need pilots to practice in ?go 2v2 - elmo
        a tool> :(
      Imposter> FUNNY FUCKER
C 1:Bo> SG, want some free porn?
C 1:a tool> uh
C 1:Bo>
C 1:a tool> maybe later. girlfriend is here
C 1:a tool> oh okay since you insist
C 1:a tool> cute
  Boths teams starters verified...we can start when ready
C 1:a tool> purple
C 1:a tool> what a cunt
        a tool> ?chat
  onehate: Bo,A System Error,Frowzy+,book,a tool,ManDude
  ratite: Bo,A System Error,Frowzy+,book,Primacy,a tool,ManDude,Shortbow
  specialtea: a tool
  toolbox: a tool
  hasst: A System Error,Frowzy+,a tool,ManDude
E     Imposter> !ready
C 1:a tool> i bet she's fat
           smc> lol
           smc> rock and roll
C 1:Frowzy+> agent is checking on that for us
C 1:Bo> Someone said she was hot, 
C 1:Frowzy+> he lives 30 miles from her
C 1:a tool> aahah
T          smc> total usage is at 999 hours right now.. spiffy
T          smc> 15 mins to breaking the 1000 hour mark
C 1:a tool> zoldan is quite the CCSS queen
C 1:Frowzy+> yes
  NOTICE: 1 minute remaining.
        Asher-> it feels like i need to poo
C 2:Shortbow> afk, starbucks
           smc> i'm prarie dogging
  TommyPullMyF> go poo :)
        Asher-> ok ?nopubchat now muahah
C 2:a tool> consumer whore
C 2:a tool> =(
C 2:Frowzy+> ez
T      Riptide> man you're such a loser smc, 999 hours
T          smc> lol :)
C 5:a tool> CCSS, chronic cocksucker syndrome =(
T      Riptide> ;)
      Imposter> <3
T          smc> how many you got? probably way more ;)
  VT_HunterKil> <3
T      Riptide> ...
  VT_HunterKil> Agreed ASher. :P
T      Riptide> this has 650, riptide.x has 3000
  NOTICE: Game over
T          smc> haha
  VT_HunterKil> GG!
  Starting in 60 seconds. Players may change ships during this time...
   freakmonger> for the love of all that is mighty start this monkey crap
T          smc> yeesh
  Please message me with any subs/shipchanges/lagouts. - Mizerie+
        SkyOne> hehe imp
T      Riptide> hey ... most of those were from years ago ;)
  TommyPullMyF> omg imp
  Welcome to the Premier League portion of SSCX Chaos/League SVS. Site
P      MRBot-5> Welcome to: Llamasery vs Mutiny (1-0 Mutiny -- [4v4]) [Type: Game]
T        Indog> dude
  Need pilots to duel in ?go duel - Storm
      Nocarbon> Crunchy this leagues best captain and a marvellous cook - he flies 30 min each week to exercise his goit
        Wasty+> llamas should start jimmy floyd hasselbaink
C 1:a tool> so help me god
       d i g i> lol
C 1:a tool> if mutiny loses to llamas, i'll uh
          Cash> digi is my hero
C 1:a tool> i'll spam nigger until i get banned. hah.
      Nocarbon> Mortok a reaper from a blackhole - vicious with the ladies, less so with space ships
C 1:a tool> =(
         Sacre> KILL
        a tool> ?chat
  onehate: Bo,A System Error,Frowzy+,book,a tool,ManDude
  ratite: Bo,A System Error,Frowzy+,book,Primacy,a tool,ManDude,Shortbow
  specialtea: a tool
  toolbox: a tool
  hasst: A System Error,Frowzy+,a tool,ManDude
        a tool> less lobbing. more killing.
C 1:Bo>
      Nocarbon> Rost a defensive pilot that simply cannot be pracs
       d i g i> more lobbing less killing
        Wasty+> more loving less killing you mean
  StormKat(200) killed by: Time Bomb
  StormKat killed by: Time Bomb -- Assist by: Pushead
  Kill Time: 05:25
  StormKat has  2  lives remaining
  Score: 2-0 Mutiny -- [4v4]
      Nocarbon> StormKat this games answer to cold fusion - he is a huge energy pack...when he plays CS
C 1:Frowzy+> somebody forgot to tell plumpy the game started
C 1:a tool>
C 1:a tool> :(
T     Twizllur> this is a killing
T     Twizllur> they need 4 people
T     Twizllur> laf
C 1:a tool> so is fuji alive or what
C 1:Bo> Yeah
C 1:Bo> Amazingly
C 1:a tool> and did hein get naked?
T        WORDS> of 5
C 1:book> i've watched fire in the sky, i bet you've eaten him
C 1:Bo> Not for us
T        WORDS> or
C 1:Frowzy+> next time blazer-elite sends me a message asking me to 2v2 while I'm reffing, I'm going to give him a little vacation from speaking. =p
      Nocarbon> m'away from wall
T     Twizllur> even that might not help, just prolong the ineveitable
C 1:a tool> or did she bitch about her fat ass tits somehow getting on my computer
  StormKat has changed to spectator mode. [Game Time: 08:15] [Lagouts: 1, Max: 3]
  d i g i in for StormKat [2 lives] [Sub Time: 00:01]
C 1:Bo> Never said anyting about htat
         Sacre> nice subbing
C 1:book> did you *kill reaper?
    Designator> digi 2 win
C 1:Frowzy+> no
P      Suppoko> nigger
P       a tool> HI
        Diablo> when crunch reps sub in nc !
  Crunchy(200) killed by: Time Bomb
  Crunchy killed by: Time Bomb -- Assist by: jimbobwey
  Kill Time: 09:59
  Crunchy has  1  life remaining
  Score: 3-0 Mutiny -- [4v4]
C 1:a tool> do it now
C 1:a tool> *shutup 999999999999999999999999999999999
  d i g i(201) killed by: Time Bomb
  d i g i killed by: Time Bomb -- Assist by: Pushead
  Kill Time: 10:35
  d i g i has  1  life remaining
  Score: 4-0 Mutiny -- [4v4]
       d i g i> omg 
C 1:a tool> llamas doing a shutout
C 1:Frowzy+> wow this is easy shit
C 1:a tool> timebomb 3-0
        a tool> ?find frowzy+
  Frowzy+ - 4v4aml1
  Welcome to the Premier League portion of SSCX Chaos/League SVS. Site:
P      MRBot-7> Welcome to: Blitzed vs Krieger (2-0 Krieger -- [4v4]) [Type: Game]
        Surrey> it's like noon
        Surrey> why are you drunk?
        Blinky> but Ill be making an entrance soon
        Blinky> it's 3pm est
          PhaT> how does it feel that i stole the happy mob core and left u out surrey:(
        Surrey> phat you asked me to join
          PhaT> oh
        Surrey> I declined you
          PhaT> did i
        Surrey> remember?
        CRUMBS> rofl
          PhaT> when did i ask u
          PhaT> liar
        Surrey> on AIM
          PhaT> wtf
          PhaT> like 4 months ago
        Surrey> yea
        Surrey> I declined you
          PhaT> phat> wanna join sailboats (or pokemob)
        Surrey> nuh uh
        Guitar> lol
        Surrey> you asked Krieger
  Welcome to the Premier League portion of SSCX Chaos/League SVS. Site
P      MRBot-5> Welcome to: Llamasery vs Mutiny (4-0 Mutiny -- [4v4]) [Type: Game]
T      CookieM> is this a game
T        fresh> yes
T       Wasty+> sorta
T        fresh> haha
T       a tool> suck
T        Sacre> its a beating
T      CookieM> i've never heard of either of these teams
T         book> it's the weekly llama roast
T     Twizllur> iml
T     Twizllur> your home cookie
T        fresh> your league cookie!
T      CookieM> is it?
C 1:Frowzy+> blitzed just subbed their whole team
C 1:a tool> lol
T       Wasty+> they've both played at least 4 seasons of premier league :)
T       Diablo> yeah it is lol
  Welcome to the Premier League portion of SSCX Chaos/League SVS. Site:
P      MRBot-7> Welcome to: Blitzed vs Krieger (2-0 Krieger -- [4v4]) [Type: Game]
C 1:Frowzy+> except for the worst player, prozack
          PhaT> before u say anything else
          PhaT> :(
        Surrey> so you admit you are fag :(
          PhaT> if i'm a fag
          PhaT> you are undoutebly
          PhaT> 10x more faggish
C 1:a tool> cloaker is such a faggot
  ChronicFlash(201) killed by: Playa
  ChronicFlash killed by: Playa
  Kill Time: 09:36
  ChronicFlash has  1  life remaining
  Score: 3-0 Krieger -- [4v4]
   thomas hawk> lol
        Surrey> undoutebly!
C 1:book> chronicflash and lotl in the same game. they're fucked
        a tool> fuck wait
        Surrey> it's ok phat
        Surrey> I play PRO
          PhaT> your last game you went 0-3
          PhaT> :/
          PhaT> i saw box score
        Surrey> I MCP'ed $
        Surrey> on 800 reso
C 1:a tool> cunt of the lake is horrible
        Surrey> it was elite
          PhaT> lol
   thomas hawk> when did surrey not go 0-3 anyway
          PhaT> thomas hawk
        a tool> ?chat
  onehate: A System Error,Frowzy+,book,a tool,ManDude,Bo
  ratite: A System Error,Frowzy+,book,a tool,ManDude,Shortbow,Bo
  specialtea: a tool
  toolbox: a tool
  hasst: A System Error,Frowzy+,a tool,ManDude
          PhaT> are you on my swzl squad
        Surrey> when I was beating your squad with ease thomas
   thomas hawk> I think so
C 1:a tool> i'd do better =(
          PhaT> we won yesterday
  rotten dot c> oxy what
          PhaT> 12-4:(
   thomas hawk> cool
   thomas hawk> wtf 4
  Welcome to the Premier League portion of SSCX Chaos/League SVS. Site
P      MRBot-8> Welcome to: Undermined vs ElementalForces (5-2 ElementalForces -- [4v4]) [Type: Game]
C 1:Frowzy+> perceptor> I just fire, no need to hit anything with my bullets
T          smc> ef> target ancient for match
T      Riptide> shoulda repped ;)
T          smc> he was burnt cuz lag sub
T          smc> hence tight spot :P
  Welcome to the Premier League portion of SSCX Chaos/League SVS. Site
P      MRBot-6> Welcome to: 4v4aml3. Use '!cap' to nab yourself a captain spot...
  Welcome to the Premier League portion of SSCX Chaos/League SVS. Site
P      MRBot-5> Welcome to: Llamasery vs Mutiny (4-0 Mutiny -- [4v4]) [Type: Game]
C 1:Frowzy+> perceptor> I like the sound of multi-fire, it's soothing.
        a tool> ?squadowner niggernike
  Owner is Masamune
T   Designator> unless its terribly overwhelming nelson
T      Nelson+> yea i suppose
T     Twizllur> they made jim rep
T     Twizllur> omg
        a tool> ?squad ez
  Squad: GG
        a tool> ?squadonwer gg
        a tool> ?squadowner gg
  Owner is 9-Volt
        a tool> ?squadowner ez
  Owner is SPY
T   LordVegas+> crunchy to choke?
       d i g i> ./...x
T       Diablo> already did
T   LordVegas+> the big one
T       Diablo> opening death with 2 reps
T       Diablo> then another with one rep
T       a tool> nice
T       Diablo> and here coems the finale
T        Indog> to be fair the 2nd was a late rep
T        Indog> and the first, he fired a shot instead of repping
T         book> did nocarbon sub out?
T       Diablo> ah that i didnt notice
  I Hate the W> 4;hey
C 1:a tool> so mutiny is phatboys and prevail
T       Diablo> i just noticed it said 1 rep when he diexc
T       Diablo> died
       Nelson+> !time
T       Diablo> nc hasnt palyed
P       a tool> !time
P      MRBot-5> Time Left: 27:11 -- [Game Speed: 100%]
      Nocarbon> thanks sir
C 1:book> krieger is spies
T       Diablo> for some odd fuckign reason
T       Diablo> crunch 0, tons of subs in spec
C 1:ManDude> krieger is spies?
T      Nelson+> this has some pretty good forward key action
T       Diablo> but no sub.. 
  Crunchy has changed to spectator mode. [Game Time: 18:20] [Lagouts: 1, Max: 3]
T       Diablo> there we go
C 1:book> axe = spy
  Suppoko in for Crunchy [1 life] [Sub Time: 00:04]
T       a tool> DAMNIT
T        Indog> omg suppoko
T   LordVegas+> im the fastest subber in the westr
T   LordVegas+> watch and learn nelson
T      Nelson+> haha
          Rost> i need aim
  TardCart has changed to spectator mode. [Game Time: 19:10] [Lagouts: 1, Max: 3]
  Eyecon in for TardCart [3 lives] [Sub Time: 00:27]
C 1:ManDude> haha
C 1:ManDude> Scrotal itch by 12
C 1:a tool> $
C 1:ManDude> p2w: Gold bond medicated powder!
  d i g i(200) killed by: jimbobwey
  d i g i killed by: jimbobwey
  Kill Time: 20:12
  d i g i is OUT!
  Score: 5-0 Mutiny -- [4v3]
       Nelson+> oh no :(
C 1:a tool> that one took SO long to make
  Suppoko has changed to spectator mode. [Game Time: 20:18] [Lagouts: 1, Max: 3]
C 1:Bo> wtf 
C 1:Bo> Why?
C 1:Bo> I did the preds =(
C 1:a tool> i know
C 1:a tool> the rest took a long time
C 1:A System Error>  blitzed needs to beat kreiger just to fuck up the division
  Rost(200) killed by: jimbobwey
  Rost killed by: jimbobwey
  Kill Time: 21:33
  Rost has  2  lives remaining
  Score: 6-0 Mutiny -- [4v2]
  Mortok(200) killed by: Time Bomb
  Mortok killed by: Time Bomb -- Assist by: Pushead
C 1:Frowzy+> spy subbed by blinky. ez
  Kill Time: 21:43
  Mortok has  2  lives remaining
  Score: 7-0 Mutiny -- [4v2]
C 1:book> if they cant win now they should just quit
  Mortok changed ships.
     jimbobwey> suppoko coming back?
       Crunchy> we're trying to sub him
        Mortok> !time
         Indog> appeal
  Lord Schnitz> i need to be nruned
  Need pilots to duel in ?go duel - Liesssssss
    LordVegas+> fukn mr bot
       Nelson+> DID IT CRASH
       Nelson+> LV, just unlock the arena
        a tool> ?squad testify
       Nelson+> and let him do it manually
    LordVegas+> it is
       Nelson+> hoho
        a tool> TURRET
C 1:Frowzy+> fog got axed from unit. lol
T        Leaky> tool
      TardCart> turret 2 win
C 1:a tool> lol
T        Leaky> a
T       a tool> hi
T        Leaky> who should i spec?
C 1:ManDude> fog sucks
C 1:book> unit are going to squaddissolve soon
T       a tool> timebomb
  Lord Schnitzel has been burned of all specials - LordVegas+
C 1:book> dre is hopeless
  Lord Schnitzel(200) killed by: jimbobwey
  Sorry about the Delay. if you didnt notice the bot crashed
       d i g i> restarT?
         Leaky> lol
           cay> !restart
        a tool> what the fuck
T Lord Schnitz> :-(
C 1:Bo> later 
C 1:ManDude> sissy
C 1:ManDude> er
C 1:Bo> I have to go to my sisters
  8-0 mutiny
C 1:A System Error>  unit that you guys murdered?
       Nelson+> hoho elite
C 1:ManDude> have fun
C 1:A System Error>  or the good unit?
       Nelson+> MANUAL OLD SKOOL
       d i g i> reatart it
C 1:Frowzy+> there is no good unit
    LordVegas+> old skewl
     jimbobwey> ref you better be counting my dpm
      TardCart> I love mr-bot
C 1:ManDude> unit that we murdered
           cay> lv has the graph paper out
C 1:A System Error>  isn't there a pro unit?
C 1:book> unit pro is hawks from last season aliased
         Leaky> hahah
    LordVegas+> good thing im logging this also
  Pushead(203) killed by: Mortok
        Mortok> YES
T        Indog> LOL
           cay> oh no
       d i g i> yay!!!!!!!!!!!
        Mortok> I GOT ONE
           cay> COMEBACK
  Score 8-1 Mutiny
        Mortok> YES
         Razar> 11 more to go
        Mortok> ROFL
        Mortok> COMBACK TIME BABY
      Nocarbon> Ohllalalalalalal!!!!
      TardCart> dont call it a comeback
     jimbobwey> GCH
        Mortok> feel the rape
C 1:Frowzy+> cf with another choke
        Geneva> WE BEEN HERE FOR YEARS!
      Nocarbon> I was gonna say maybe Mortok kills one :)
        a tool> lol
  Pushead KB Mortok
  Welcome to the Premier League portion of SSCX Chaos/League SVS. Site:
P      MRBot-7> Welcome to: Blitzed vs Krieger (6-2 Krieger -- [4v3]) [Type: Game]
           Axe> i get spec men
     SaintRick> you died twice
           Axe> from lag men
  ChronicFlash> ...
           Axe> but men
           Axe> dont cry cf men
      jealousy> surrey
           Axe> its ok men
  ProZack(201) killed by: Playa
  ProZack killed by: Playa -- Assist by: Perv
  Kill Time: 22:57
  ProZack has  1  life remaining
  Score: 7-2 Krieger -- [4v3]
        Surrey> jealousy
           smc> eek
      jealousy> how are you on a pro squad
C 1:a tool> game
  Lady of the Lake(205) killed by: Playa
  Lady of the Lake killed by: Playa
  Kill Time: 22:59
  Lady of the Lake has  1  life remaining
  Score: 8-2 Krieger -- [4v3]
           Axe> lol men
C 1:a tool> game x2
           Axe> gg men
         Playa> hi
           Axe> too good for you men
        Surrey> because I am PRO calibur
           Axe> krieger own you men
      jealousy> HAHAHAHAHA
P       a tool> !time
P      MRBot-7> Time Left: 21:46 -- [Game Speed: 100%]
      jealousy> SURRYE PRO CALIBUT
      jealousy> r
        a tool> run for 21 minutes
        Surrey> $
      jealousy> 1-3
      jealousy> gg
           smc> PRO HALIBUT
           Axe> 21 min run is key men
           Axe> i can do it men
  Blinky(201) killed by: Lady of the Lake
  Blinky killed by: Lady of the Lake
  Kill Time: 23:36
        a tool> jump in
  Blinky has  2  lives remaining
  Score: 8-3 Krieger -- [4v3]
           Axe> 4on1 men
        a tool> :(
        Blinky> alright
      jealousy> BLINKY WTF
        Surrey> I MCp'ed my only game so far this season
        Blinky> there now I got toys
     Pretender> haha
        Surrey> blinky
        Blinky> STFU I GOT BURNT
        Surrey> use lanc
        Surrey> use lanc!
        Surrey> use lanc!
        Blinky> plus im drunk
        a tool> turret and run
        Surrey> GET IN A LANC!
        Surrey> you're gay :(
        Surrey> I am going to message you on AIM
        Surrey> and make you tab out
        Surrey> you drunk fucker
  Need pilots to duel in ?go duel - no dopamine
        Surrey> sub crumbs
        Surrey> put in demon
          PhaT> demon is tripping
          PhaT> on oxycodon
  ProZack has changed to spectator mode. [Game Time: 24:50] [Lagouts: 2, Max: 3]
         Playa> hah
        Surrey> sub that kid
C 1:a tool> lol
        a tool> ?chat
  onehate: A System Error,Frowzy+,a tool,ManDude,Leaky,Felony,book
  ratite: A System Error,Frowzy+,a tool,ManDude,Shortbow,Dose,book
  specialtea: a tool
  toolbox: a tool
  hasst: A System Error,Frowzy+,a tool,ManDude
        Surrey> put in phat
          PhaT> crumbs and homie 
C 1:a tool> f'in lagger
          PhaT> best combo
          PhaT> ever
          PhaT> i am the cap i could put myself in
        Surrey> who's homie?
          PhaT> dunno who homie is who is he?
  Abbreviator in for ProZack [1 life] [Sub Time: 00:41]
        Surrey> wtf
        Surrey> you said he was homie
         Playa> wtf
C 1:a tool> should i go do what i need to do now or wait until after our game?
C 1:ManDude> what do you need to do
C 1:a tool> turn in some paperwork for the job
C 1:a tool> w2 and shit
        Surrey> finally
C 1:ManDude> shrug
        Surrey> a lanc
  Perceptor(200) killed by: Playa
  Perceptor killed by: Playa
  Kill Time: 26:36
C 1:ManDude> do it later
  Perceptor has  1  life remaining
  Score: 9-3 Krieger -- [4v3]
           Axe> ITS GAY MEN
C 1:a tool> better go do it now while i'm awake. i might be drunk later.
           Axe> but its ok men
C 1:ManDude> procrastinate a little bit longer
           Axe> cos blizted are easy men
           Axe> but i love them men
C 2:Dose> hi
C 1:a tool> fuck that =(
           Axe> they are cool men
C 2:ManDude> hi
C 1:a tool> bb in a bit
  Playa has changed to spectator mode. [Game Time: 27:03] [Lagouts: 1, Max: 3]
C 2:book> undermined wanna prac us
     Pretender> srfu

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